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Now available: The book to this website.



Deutsche Version

Note: The book is a printed version of the maintext, which can also be read here for free!


Edition: 3rd edition (1st english edition)
Price of the English version:

12.50 $ ISBN: 1482562294 EAN13: 9781482562293

Buy on Amazon

Price of the German version:

13.00 $ ISBN: 1482561670 EAN13: 9781482561678

Buy on Amazon


Price of E-Book and HTML 0.00 $ (in the menue in the maintext section)
Pagination: 315
Size of the text: 508 KB
Version of the maintext: V 2.154b from 11.02.2013
Whole content as HTML  View here
Whole content as E-Book(PDF)  Downoad here (right click and "save as")

This book allows to read the content of this website everywhere and everytime. It can be read at evening during the own attempts, during travelling or workshops and during the way to work. The book brings the packed knowledge of the entire maintext into your bag.

Why carry 10 Books of different kind or decide between em? This book contains all supernatural topics, which i know in one. If you like the maintext, this book will become your best friend.

Here a picture of my own copies of the english and the german edition of the book.

The opened german edition. The english edition looks similar.

Here are the older german editions (left) together with the new ones.

One can see, how the content increased during the time.