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out of body experiences E

dreams E feeling energy E energy physics M other experiences E
out of body experiences M seeing energy E other energy experiences E energy M

other methods M

remotevieving / remote investigation of matter M seeing aura and energy M telepathy, contact to hereafter, energy transmission M energy for healing M illusions E
Here is the main text splitted userfriendly. All here listed parts are plain text..

E = Only experiences and infos.

M = Methods and partly additional experiences for explantation.

Points, which you not can find here, can you find in the whole maintext. The pages here are composed from the maintext.

(1.1) Properties and basics of the supernatural (energy properties), influences and astral beings Here is the theoretical part. All basics and principles, which I know, are here described.

(1.1.1) Basic "Physical Properties of the energy Here I try to combine the various properties of the energy to an unit (Like it does the physics in the real world). Thus, general basics and laws get known and the energy becomes with them more predictable. It is also possible to get some real (for anyone easy accessible and experiencable) evidences for the energy and the supernatural. Almost everything here has been verified by my own experiences. Unverified and theoretical parts of the energy physics became appropriate notes to make the actual status clear.

( Definitions and basics Currently are still no definitions for the entire group "1.1.1" required. Because it is very probable, that these are later needed, this point is there as a placeholder.

( Properties of "free" energy Free energy is the energy which is not bound in living organisms (of the physical and the astral world).

( Free energy flows unbound, and is also not integrated in fields.

( Free energy exists probably in any place of the 10th Dimension (see "").

( Energy fields and energy flows (energy links) The conclusions in this group bases, among other, on the experiences "", "" and "" and their respective sub-points. The conclusions are also verified by the whole group "".

( Energy can form energy fields. Either primary or mainly in the vicinity of life forms (astral beings and physical beings (with astral body)). In this case are these energy fields part of the life forms. These fields are, if they are visible, similar to the magnetic fields.

( This energy fields behave very lively and change constantly their shape. The structure of these energy fields is extremely fine. They have a similar structure and an similar appearance like the magnetic fields, as they are for example visible for telescopes and satellites, when they watch the sun (see pictures and movies of the "Soho" satellite or other solar observation telescopes).

( These energy fields can store specific amounts of energy.

( The maximum amount of energy, which can be stored, depends, among other things, on the size of the energy fields.

( Energy gets lost, if the maximum amount of energy, which can be stored, is exceeded.

( The from the energy created fields tend to create links with other energy fields.

( These energy links are also energy fields.

( The energy fields can only create links, if the distance of the starting points is less than the maximum "creation-distance", which depends from the energy content of the energy fields.

( After the establishing of the link can the distance be increased significantly over the maximum creation-distance.

( These energy links can be formed between any number of points.

( The energy links remain stable as long, as enough energy for the sustaining is available. The links break, if the concentration of Energy is no longer sufficient.

( The concentration of energy decreases, if the links are stretched by increasing the distance between the linked starting points.

( If the starting points of the link are moved towards each other, increases the concentration of energy.

( If the maximum concentration (according to "" and sub-points) of the energy is reached, no more energy can be stored in this link.

( If the starting points of the link are moved towards each other and is the maximum of concentration of energy reached, gets energy from this link lost (according to "").

( The starting points of the energy links attract each other, if the energy concentration is too low. They repel each other, if the energy concentration is too high. That means, the starting points of the energy links tends to a distance, which is equivalent to the energy content.

( Between the starting points of the energy links gets the energy balanced. The starting points tends to have the same concentration of energy. Each starting point gives (the other starting points) or takes (from the other starting points) only so much energy, that all starting points and their links have the same stability.

( The balancing needs a specific time. The amount of the energy, which gets balanced in a specific time, depends on the difference of the stability of the starting points and energy links.

( If the difference of the stability of the starting points is high, gets more energy in a specific time span balanced.

( If the difference of the stability of the starting points is low, gets less energy in a specific time span balanced.

( The length of the energy links determines also, how much energy can be balanced in a specific time span.

( If the energy link is longer, less energy in a specific time span can be balanced.

( If the energy link is shorter, more energy in a specific time span can be balanced.

( The size of the cross section surface of the energy links determines also, how much energy can be balanced in specific time spans.

( If the cross section surface of the energy links is smaller, less energy in a specific time span can be balanced.

( If the cross section surface of the energy links is smaller, less energy in a specific time span can be balanced.

( The maximum speed of the balancing is limited by additional factors. These factors are still unknown.

( If the gap to this limit is higher, can more energy in a specific time span be balanced.

( If the gap to this limit is lower, less energy in a specific time span can be balanced.

( Due to the limitations of the maximum speed of balancing the maximum speed of the absorption of energy by groups of starting points can vary.

( If more starting points of a group are involved, the group can absorb more energy in a specific time span.

( If less starting points of a group are involved, the group can absorb less energy in a specific time span.

( If the fed energy exceeds the maximum of energy, which can be balanced and starting points or links gets more energy as they can store, gets energy lost (according to "").

( Mutual influencing of energy and matter

( Energy influences on matter A important proof of this theory is the existence of the supernatural. Excluding the effects of these laws means, that no perception of supernatural experiences could be noticed by the physical brain.

( Matter, which is penetrated by energy fields, can be changed by the energy (for example moved (usually just very little) or damaged).

( Matter influences on energy A single out of body experience provided a clear verification of this law. I penetrated real matter without knowing it (passing a open astral door during an false awakening, while the real door was closed). But I noticed the effects of penetration of matter in accordance with "" and sub-point.

( An energy field, that penetrates real matter, can be changed by this matter.

( Theory of a 12 dimensional universe (properties of the energy in the astral world) This group is one of the very few groups with a high proportion of theoretical information and therefore is the information in this group not verified. I think, that this theory of the 12 dimensional universe is at least very conclusive. Many of the dimensions are already verifiable or verified. Eventual present verifications or possibilities of verifications are in the points of the respective dimensions explained. The twelve dimensions can be divided into four basic levels (The so-called Super spaces A, B, C and D). Each of these dimensions exists everywhere and one can (in theory!) move freely along each of these dimensions. But only, if one can apply only one force in the corresponding "direction" (here is the problem of the "free" movement). Important is here, to read this group completely from the beginning to the end, even if one thinks, that one has understood some parts of it. One can get unnecessary problems in understanding of these informations, if one does not read the informations completely. This topic is very demanding!!

( The dimensions 1-3 are the "common" space dimensions. They form the super space A. One can move in the real world and in the astral world freely along these dimensions. The space dimensions seems to consist of three lines, length, width and height.

( This 1st Dimension is the basis of the space. It is a line where one can just go forth and back.

( If one has the possibility, to go to the right and left from the line, does one move on a surface? This is only mathematically right. But a line remains a line and we can only move along a line or in one direction (even if one goes in curves, one follows still a (curved) line). Therefore it is only possible to move freely on a surface, if one splits another lines from the first line or dimension. That is similar to a piece of a rope, that can be decomposed at one end in its cords (and flattened). Walking along the splitted cords is like walking along on a surface. Only this separation itself is now the 2nd Dimension.

( One can not jump to another cord, if one is on one of the already mentioned cords of a frayed rope. A link between the cords is not present. Thus one can actually only go forth and back. But how can we go to another "cords"? Only if there is a link between these cords. One can move along these links freely between the cords and thus free in the "network" of cords of our normal space. This cross connection can actually be created between any points, so that one could theoretically emerge suddenly at other places in the universe. This network also makes the curvature of space possible. A cord network can be stretched and lengthened. This cross-connection between the cords is now our 3rd Dimension.

( Super space B: The dimensions 4-6 are our time structure. An understanding of time requires a abstraction skill.

( This dimension is the basic. It is the eternally running time. A line with past, present and future. This simple line is the time, as we know and understand. But one could actually also go back along this line. The problem is simple: How can one apply a force, to push oneself to the other direction of time? This simple problem is hard to solve, because our matter lies in the time structure like billiard balls on a pool table (in the normal space). And if one can not shot the balls from below into the air, one can not get them into the air. The balls are "trapped" on the surface of the table, as we in the "surface" of the space are trapped. The time is our 4th dimension.

( One decides to buy some lottery tickets and wins then 12 million euros. What if one had not bought the tickets? Such events, with more than one possibility, happen constantly. One can see such things sometimes in television. There could exist parallel worlds, where one made completely other decisions than in the "own" world. The time splits at the point of decision and forms two lines. One world where the tickets was bought and one world where the tickets was not bought. Both worlds exist together since the time of decision. This separation of parallel worlds is now our 5th Dimension.

( There must be a connection, to be able to jump from one world to a parallel world (what still (unfortunately / fortunately, depending on the point of view) is not possible). Otherwise one can not jump to other "cords of the dimensions". These connections between the parallel worlds are now our 6th Dimension.

( Is our universe alone in the nothing of nothingness? The super space C says no. It makes a large number of universes with many exotic constants and properties possible.

( There could exist additional universes with the same constants (speed of light, gravitation and so on) like in our universe. But they must be separated somehow from each other. An arrangement on a line would be the only possibility, which accords to the organization in our continuum of super space levels. But these universes should have differences in some properties. Possible differences would be the time of beginning and end and the size (mass). But also the organisation of the mass inside of these universes can be different. This chain of universes is now the 7th Dimension.

( Wouldn't it be cool, if one could reach nearly light speed during walking? Yes, but it is unfortunately also impossible, unless one creates a split of the above-mentioned line. The Essential Properties of universes (speed of light, gravitation, properties of elementary particles, such as charge,...) has to be changed on this split. Here would be an universe possible, where the speed of light is only 5 kilometers per hour. Unfortunately is in many of such universes no life possible. But exciting new species of living organisms could live in many others of these universes. In particular, because the stability of elements (see radioactivity) can change radically, if essential properties are changed. Radioactive materials may become stable and not radioactive substances may be highly unstable in such universes. And this is not the only thing, that changes. The chain of universes, where fundamental variables, like the speed of light, can be changed, is now our 8th Dimension.

( How one can get from one universe to another universe? Our 9th Dimension is the way between every possible universe. Unfortunately (?) we are only billiard balls and "trapped" on a table (see above). Therefore we can not go along this way.

( Where is our hereafter and the astral world? In the super space D is the answer.

( This is the fundamental line. So-called higher and lower levels form here a kind of chain. This is the 10th Dimension. This dimension is the dimension, which some people interpret as frequency, vibrations or levels. It allows to be at the same time at the same place, as someone else, but without noticing him. This would not be possible in an 4 dimensional universe. By the simultaneous owning of a physical body in the normal "frequency" (our 4 dimensional world), and one astral body in the astral world, are physical living beings simultaneously in several locations of this dimension. The verification, that the 10th dimension can be explained by the "physics", is probably the group "", where many of the visible experiences correspond to the physical properties of real objects. Note in particular the lines of "" (and sub-points), which can be only explained by the physics (wave mechanics). A part of the wave mechanics explains also the causes of image interferences of two interfering television channels. The lines of the overlapping interferences are similar to the lines of these experiences. For the merging of "real" physics and energy physics is still a lot of research necessary.

( One needs also space and possibilities in the hereafter (or the astral world,...). Each astral being has its own creation capability in these levels. This requires the possibility of parallel worlds in the hereafter (Or astral world,...). This separation of astral parallel worlds is our 11th Dimension. A possible indication for this dimension is the fact, that the people perceives "own" astral worlds, which differ from the astral worlds of other people. The individual characteristics of "own" astral worlds can be noticed by other persons only during encounters and contacts.

( How can one see the creations of other beings? Quite simply, one goes there along the direct connection. Our 12th and last (known!!) Dimension is the connection between the whole "cords".

(1.1.2) Energy properties under specific conditions Here are energy laws mentioned, which are bound to specific not always present conditions or circumstances.

( Properties of the body's own energy system Here are the properties of the body's own energy mentioned.

( Definitions and basics Here are general basics for the Group "".

( The "normal" energy charge state is the amount of energy, which one has, when one has not practiced exercises which changes (temporary) the energy charge state.

( Increases or falls the energy charge state (by exercises, influences) and remains this charge state constant for several days (without exercises, influences,...), then is this charge state the new normal energy charge state.

( The body's own energy can be divided into two classes. One part is the not (intentional) usable and also not sensible energy. The normal charge state of this part is probably (much?) higher than the normal charge state of the sensible and usable energy. The sensible and usable energy is the other part. The most observations and perceptions can be made only with the tangible and usable energy.

( The body's own energy system consists of an great amount of energy fields and energy links. This structure is more or less uniform spreaded in the whole body.

( The combined physical properties of these energy fields and energy links determine many of the properties of the body's own energy system.

( Changes of the structure or on parts of the structure result from the changes of the physical states (charge state, linking of the single fields with the other fields, orientation,...) of the single energy fields.

( Cycle of energy

( The body's own energy is probably gathered continuously and unconscious from the free energy. The gathered energy is stored for the purposes of the everyday life.

( The purposes of everyday life are usually not the intentional uses of energy and the supernatural abilities. This is the reason for the many problems in the perception, the interpretation, the explaining, the learnability and many other things, which concern supernatural abilities. These are problems, which are not present in physical or "worldly" things. Worldly things, like reading, driving, swimming, can be explained and teached with simple methods. Supernatural things mostly not.

( In many applications and natural processes (for example: the balancing of too high energy charge states) gets some body's own energy lost. This means, that one gives away the control. This "lost" energy becomes again free energy.

( Properties of the energy intensity (sensation)

( The perception of the intensity of the energy varies from person to person. What one person can hardly perceive (too weak), may be for another person unbearable (too intensive). This can be noticed in some experiments with the supernatural transmission ("").

( The intensity of energy increases with time, if one makes frequently energy exercises. The exact amount of the increase is unknown. It feels during the first learning phases, as if it increases by 100 % of the normal charge state in 3 months. It is very probable, that the actual increase is significantly lower, than the perceptions suggest. The reasons for the difference are probably a increasing sensitivity to energy sensations and a increasing ability to trigger physical sensations with the energy.

( Properties of the energy storaging These physical laws were verified with the energy method ("M.2").

( The amount of energy, which can be stored in energy fields and energy links, is limited (see: "" and "" and sub-points). The border between overcharge and undercharge is the normal charge state.

( The energy, which was loaded over the normal charge state, gets mostly lost within less than a hour. The amount of the overcharge has different effects.

( Larger overcharges disappear very fast.

( Smaller overcharges disappear very slowly.

( Long term or frequent overcharges lead to an adaptation of the body's own energy system. The normal charge state increases.

( Energy gets also lost, if the energy is concentrated only in a part of the body. If the concentration of energy in this body part exceeds the normal charge state, gets energy lost. This happens even, if the rest of the body could store it. The cause is, that the balancing speed is limited (see group "" to understand the causes).

( If the normal charge state is not reached, will energy load automatically.

( Larger undercharges disappear slowly.

( Smaller undercharges disappear slowly till very slowly.

( Long term or frequent undercharges lead to an adaptation of the body's own energy system. The normal charge state decreases.

( Energy will also be loaded, if the energy concentration falls only in a part of the body. If the concentration of energy in this body part gets below the normal charge state, will energy be loaded. This happens even, if the rest of the body could balance the undercharge. The cause is, that the balancing speed is limited (see group "" to understand the causes).

( If one makes frequently energy exercises, increases the amount of energy, which can be stored. This depends greatly on the amount and type of the exercises. It depends on, how often, intense and frequently one makes these exercises. During longer times without exercises occurs a reverse effect. But the reduction of the amount of energy, which can be stored, is slower.

( During relaxed lying, relaxing, meditating and some concentration exercises can (often much) more energy be loaded. This energy can be stored longer. The reason is: The normal charge state can increase significantly during this time. This happens in deep relaxations and particularly during the sleep. During the sleep can the amount of energy sometimes increase extremely.

( The normal charge state falls rapidly when one moves and interrupts in this way the relaxation. It can be particularly during the awakening very extreme. The high energy level becomes unstable. That leads to the lost of large amounts of energy in very short time. Often gets the major part lost in the first second of the awakening. This happens especially during frightful or sudden awakening. The amount of energy falls back to the normal charge state. The energy loss can be felt particularly intensively, when one wakes up from sleep or some deep relaxation states. This process is normal and harmless.

( Properties of the shifting of body's own energy Important: The energy shifting works only, if one defines the destination (and the target time) exactly enough. With increasing inaccuracy gets the results worser. The success may not occur, if the concentration and / or the target definition are too vague. Example: "Somewhere in Africa" or "in Berlin" will not work. Also "someday 30 years ago" is too inaccurate. But "My room, left corner next to the door at actual time" or "time, when the image was taken, viewed from the position of the camera" have good chances of success.

( The entire body's own energy, or a part of it, can be shifted. During an energy shifting will the body's own energy be distributed at two or more places simultaneously.

( One is during a shifting always able to control the whole energy, including the shifted energy. It remains still the body's own energy.

( One can perceive during an partial energy shifting all locations, where body's own energy is, simultaneously (according to the laws of the energy physics).

( An energy shifting is similar to the beaming. The entire body's own energy can be beamed literally in this way. Many spontaneous out of body experiences begin by such a "beaming".

( Blockades and other disruptions The validity of these laws can be directly observed by observing the tactile supernatural experiences (""). I have found no evidence of stationary structures (chakras).

( Definitions and basics

( Blockades are disorders in energy flow. The energy flows is often redirected within the blockades in other directions. That means often also, that the energy flow is scattered in many streams.

( The cause of blockades are probably incorrect applied energy methods. These methods can be applied consciously and unconsciously. Blockades are often associated with emotions. The association of blockades with emotions is realistic, because certain emotions (especially, if they are intensively) lead to a unconsciously application of energy methods. This happens also, when one does not know, what energy is or when one does not believe in supernatural things. Than does one not know, that one applies unconsciously energy methods. The incorrect application leads to a nonuniform and wrong set up of the energy system. The normal charge state of some areas can be reduced. Energy can flow in wrong directions. Energy can gather at wrong places.

( Because of this dispersion can only small amounts of energy flow through. The energy flow accumulates in front of the blockades.

( Effects of blockades

( Blockades reduce the effect of energy-exercises (and similar exercises). These exercises can even fail.

( The energy sensation in the blockades and in the vicinity of blockades is weak or not present.

( In front and behind of the blockades can often an intensified and often even unpleasant energy sensation be perceived. This happens particularly during the application of energy-exercises.

( Negative influences on the emotions are often the result of blockades (but beware: Blockades are not always the cause!!!).

( Some "diseases" could be the result of blockades (but beware: Blockades are not always the cause!!!).

( Effects of the removal of blockades by exercises The method for the removal of blockades is "M.". But the energy exercises from point "M.2" to "M.2.1.8" are requirements for the detecting and the removal of the blockades.

( The energy sensation can be according to "" very intense during the application of removal-methods. Particularly at the beginning of the application. The cause are accumulations of the energy in the vicinity of the blockades.

( During the dissolving of the blockades changes the energy sensation. The accumulation subsides. The energy can flow again.

( The energy sensation on the areas, where the dissolving blockades are, becomes normal again. This energy sensation feels more and more (again) like the energy sensation of the other body parts.

( At the end, if the blockades are almost completely gone, changes the whole energy sensation. It becomes significantly more pleasant. The practicing of supernatural abilities will be easier now.

( Blockades can often "resurrect". But they can after the first removals be removed more easily. After a few removals lasts the effect longer. The reason is, that these blockades has not been removed immediately. These were repaired at the first attempts only partially. The cause may be in individual cases, that the actual cause of the blockades still exists.

( Properties of the controllability of the body's own energy Here are the laws of the conscious or intentional control of the body's own energy mentioned. These laws has been verified with the application of the energy method ("M.2") and the observation of the tactile supernatural experiences ("").

( The properties of the controllability of the own body's own energy

( The body's own energy can be controlled at least partly intentionally.

( The controllability of the energy can be enhanced by exercises.

( Energy gets lost, when one attempts to archive something, what not accords to the rules of the energy physics (for example the overcharging or reversing of the polarity of energy links). That means, the control of a part of the energy, which one uses for such an experiment, will be lost.

( Body's own energy can be controlled only by the respective "owner". No one can control the energy of other people (astral beings,...) permanently without their consent.

( The properties of the controllability of body's own energies of several persons among themselves.

( If one attempts to control (steal) the body's own energy of other persons (astral beings,...), goes the (control of the) Energy back to the "owner" within a short time (few seconds till minutes). The cause is, the energy can not be stolen. During an attempt to steal energy are just influences exerted. One causes only influences on the target, if one tries to steal energy.

( One can give the control of a part of the own energy to other persons (astral beings,...). This energy will be transferred and is then body's own energy of the receiver. This is supernatural transmission ("").

( Influencing of the body's own energy by emotions These laws has been verified by specific observing of tactile supernatural experiences ("") and the specific experimental application of the energy method ("M.2").

( Emotions change the body's own energy. Especially strong emotions can sometimes cause very intensive changes.

( The intensity of the perception of energy is influenced by emotions. The influencing can be very strong or weak. This depends on the kind and intensity of the emotions.

( Negative emotions (anger, hate, sorrow,...) influence the normal charge state of the energy. They can reduce the normal charge state, if the influencing lasts longer. The duration of the lowered charge state can be quite long (days, weeks,...).

( Positive emotions (love, joy,...) have positive effects on the normal charge state. It may elevate, if the influencing lasts longer. The normal charge state can remain on the elevated level for a longer time.

( Reactions between body's own energy and matter

( The body's own energy controls many processes in the body. The following things are some of the consequences of telekinetic processing of the body by energy: Viewing and perceiving of energy, some of the "brain functions", some "instincts ", intuitions, some sensations and emotions. Furthermore: Some partially curings of diseases and the reducing of symptoms. Much of these would be impossible without energy influences. In particular the physical perception of energy.

( Without the influences of the energy on the body would probably many body functions fail. Hints for this are the various interactions between energy and body (All supernatural experiences).

( Energy influences the matter of the physical body. So it is also possible, that energy can influence other physical matter (telekinesis). This has been verified by me with some long runs with dices and some online available psi-tests.

( One can investigate the properties of matter by the application of energy. This can be done by observing the changes of the perception of energy (remote investigation of matter, see "").

( The investigation and influencing of matter is possible over any distance (remote viewing, energy shifting, remote investigation of matter, see: "").

( Reactions of energies of several persons among each other These laws were verified with the supernatural transmission ("") and the tactile supernatural experiences ("").

( In a mutual approach of two or more persons can the energy fields of these persons react with the energy fields of the other persons.

( This reaction is noticeable by changes of the perception of the energy (The tactile supernatural experiences feel different, visible supernatural experiences look different,...).

( Energy fields of several persons can form energy links among each other.

( In joint energy exercises can the energy be transferred and felt over any distance.

( Emotions of the sending persons can affect the energy perception of the receivers.

( The layers of the thoughts These laws has been verified by own experiments (mental experiments and concentration experiments in various relaxation states) and the experience "". The thoughts consist of two cooperating layers.

( First layer The first layer is the executive layer. In this layer we think consciously and process the thoughts. This layer is the layer, which we perceive usually always. This is probably our normal physical brain. Here are the memories physically stored.

( Second layer The second layer is the controlling layer. It controls the first layer. The second layer works very much faster than the first layer. We perceive this layer rarely conscious. This layer is possibly our astral brain. This layer stores probably all memories in the astral body. This layer is the cause of many supernatural experiences.

( The second layer can also work separated from the first layer. That means, both layers think two different things. But the layers are then not really separated. The second layer has here still the control of the first layer. But it thinks also the part, which the first layer not thinks. A correct processing of the thoughts is in this way only hardly possible. The second stream of thoughts of the second layer can only hardly be transferred into the normal physical brain, while the first stream of thought is processed there (limited processing capacity of the brain).

( The first layer can not work without the second layer. But the second layer can work well without the first layer. But here is a higher probability, that one forgets the memories of these thoughts. The cause is probably the lack of the physical processing (in the case of the second layer is the lack of the physical processing still not surely verified).

( The lack of physical processing is the cause of the frequent forgetting of out of body experiences, some dreams (the astral dreams) and other supernatural experiences. If something is experienced outside of the abilities of the physical body, must the memory be transferred to the physical brain. This leads often to problems. Especially too complex experiences (where too much happened) or experiences, that deviate too much from the real (physical) opportunities, can be problematic. Errors can also happen during the transfer into the physical brain. Especially, when the brain is not ready for receiving of thoughts or for processing of thoughts (too deep sleep, anesthesia, alcohol, drugs, wrong relaxation techniques...). The causes for the various types of memory losses are still poorly known.

( The memories, which are stored in the second layer, stay possibly permanently available (even if the physical memories get lost or if they will be forgotten). But a later transfer of these stored memories back into in the first layer (to remember consciously) is more difficult (but possible). A transmission from the second layer into the first layer occurs probably in several episodes dreams (see "" and sub-points). Many of these episode-dreams would be not possible without such a transfer. Every memory of the first layer is probably also stored in the second layer, but not every memory in the second layer will be transferred into the first layer.

( Supernatural "memories" (and other informations, that one has (yet or at all) not seen or known) are also stored in the second layer. This includes "memories" of the future and (supernatural) memories of the past.

( Uncertainty- and balance phenomenon A big problem in the application, investigation and / or verification of many supernatural abilities is the balance phenomenon. This concerns especially these abilities, where one has to choose between different alternatives, or where one can generate different alternatives. Please note to the topic "influences by astral beings, other persons and animals" also the group: "1.1.3".

( Origin and properties of the balance phenomenon This phenomenon occurs, if one wishes an specific result during the application of supernatural abilities and "fears" another (undesired) result at the same time. Then occurs mostly the feared (undesired) result.

( It can even happen, when one has no direct fear of the undesirable result. The final result can even be affected by subliminal definitions of unwanted results ("Hopefully continues this as good, as it is." or "I can do it.").

( The more important the result is, the higher is the chance for a undesired result. Importance can mean Importance for the persons themselves or for their reputation. The cause is the higher pressure to succeed. The higher the pressure, the stronger is the balance phenomenon.

( Other uninvolved or observing people (animals, astral beings,....) can also cause a balance phenomenon with their uncertainty or doubts. In this case is the applicating person affected by the influences of the other Persons (or animals,....). This works according to "". This happens often (But not always!!!) if other people observe supernatural experiments and if these people are uncertain or does not believe in a success. Observer influence often according to "", if they does not believe in successes.

( Avoiding of the balance phenomenon The phenomenon is difficult to avoid. The best way to avoid this phenomenon is, when there is no reason to "fear" unwanted results. There are following possibilities:

( One can produce results of maximum unimportance. These are things, which do not influence the own live, the own prestige or any "highscore" lists. If one has nothing to lose, one has nothing to fear.

( If one makes experiments, should the test person know nothing or as less as possible about the own results, until the experiments are over. The problem with some negative hopes (like: "Hopefully continues this as good, as it is.") can be avoided in this way.

( Mostly is the first "answer" or "action" (or concentration,...), which one gets or makes with supernatural abilities, the better choice. A subsequent "correction" is often modified by the balance phenomenon. The correction follows often just a split second after the first "answer" (or action,...).

( But the phenomenon "knows" often, how the avoidance techniques can be avoided. This concerns mainly the techniques for the "selection" of right answers (or actions, concentrations,...). The phenomenon affects then other parts of the process of the search and selection of answers (or...). For example can the second answer (Or action...) be extremely quickly renamed to the first answer, while the real first answer will be forgotten. The selection process itself accords also to the laws of the group "". The result is: The exclusion of the phenomenon by selection is often only a self-contained vicious circle.

( The balance phenomenon can partly be avoided by distracting from the fears. One can also ensure, that one does not have time, to fear unwanted results. Some possibilities are: One can concentrate on several things simultaneously (so has one no brain capacity left for fear). One can act with a high minimum speed (so has one no time to have fear). One can also act very carefully (this distracts).

( By observers triggered balance phenomenons are difficult to avoid (these are influences according to ""). Influences beyond the borders of time are even more difficult to avoid. If successes lack, can one do the following things (especially, if successes were present before the observing begun): Keep the number of observers small. One can change the observers several times. Try to make some experiments without observers. One trick could be, to start the observed experiments with a few played (fake) "successes", before the real experiments starts.

( Environmental influences on the energy In some circumstances can the energy be influenced from outside. But the most circumstances are still unknown. This concerns very many supernatural experiences.

( At specific times (among other: full moon) occurs a intensifying or a weakening of the perception and the frequency of many supernatural experiences.

( The influencing during the full moon is not every time noticeable. The noticing of significant influences needs often a longer time.

( The number of days (or even hours) of the noticeable influencing can vary much. Mostly lasts it less than 3 days.

( A steady changing influence of some weather conditions on the energy can also be felt.

(1.1.3) Basics of astral beings and astral travelers and influence of these (And of physical forms of life and other people): Here are all known to me species and properties of the "life" in the astral world explained. This section is not as filled, as in other sources, because I used only own experiences. Who seeks for angels, fairies, elves and similar, will not find them in this text. But the here written informations are verified by own experiences and reliable. Some additional informations to this topic are mentioned in: "".

( Species: There are several species of astral beings. I think, a classification according to following scheme is most suitable:

( Astral travelers: These are other people (and animals, aliens and other physical living beings), who are astral traveling. They can basically be divided into two groups:

( Conscious astral traveling people: These are people, who know, that they make an out of body experience.

( Unconscious astral traveling people: These are people, who have a astral dream and not know, that they are out of the body. The particularity is here, that their behavior depends only from the story of the (astral) dream, in which they are.

( Spirits / souls of dead people: These are people (or animals, aliens and other physical life forms) who have died.

( Other astral beings: These are other astral beings, which do not fit in the two other groups.

( Encounters: One can encounter astral beings during awakeness or in dreams, astral dreams and out of body experiences. Encounters during awakeness accord to the laws of the group "". If the encounter happens during out of body experiences, dreams or astral dreams, apply the laws of the group "" and of the point "" including its deviant double entry: "".

( Dealing with astral beings: Treat astral beings, as you would treat strangers in the town. Treat them kindly and with respect and do not trust them too much. If one already knows the astral beings (Or the astral travelers,...), one can treat them as usual. Note, that astral beings (or astral travelers,...) can pretend, to be someone else. This can happen in out of body experiences, dreams, astral dreams and in encounters during the awakeness.

( Dealing with unfriendly or threatening astral beings. There are not only good beings in the astral world. It is like in the real live. Not every being wants to do (only) good thing. It must not be mentioned, that one should not search for encounters or contacts to unfriendly or even threatening beings. Particularly because some of these beings tend to disrupt activities of mostly uninvolved people (especially, when these people seek for such contacts). But despite all precautions one can encounter sometimes such unfriendly beings.

( Encounters and contacts to unfriendly astral beings during the awakeness (Contact to hereafter): One should abort the contact, if the astral being is not friendly. One can also try to change the mind of the unfriendly astral beings by friendly discussions. But one should end the contact, if the being remains unfriendly.

( Encounters and contacts to unfriendly astral beings during out of body experiences: During an out of body experience (or a (astral) dream), it helps most likely, to ask the astral being, why it does these things. Otherwise one can apply the methods from "M.3.8" to end the situation or to turn the situation to the better.

( Basics of influencing by astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...): Other living beings have the possibilities to applicate influences.

( Types of influencing: Astral beings (or...) have a wide selection of possibilities for influencing and contacting. This applies especially to supernatural communications, image perceptions, distance perceptions and similar supernatural information gathering methods. Dreams, out of body experiences and astral dreams can also be influenced, because these react very sensitive to supernatural influences. But basically astral beings (or...) can exert all kinds of influences (for or against the influenced "targets"), which are possible according to the laws of this text. This can be made consciously and unconsciously. But almost only supernatural perceptions are affected. Abilities, that one does not have, can usually not be affected or used as a source of disturbance. People, who does not have and/or does not use supernatural abilities, are thus rarely disturbed by influences. It seems, that some kind of protection against too strong influences exists (for example in television shows, where many people influence a few people (the actors,...)). This protection works probably according to the physical law of "".

( Conscious influencing: They can influence intentionally (if they know methods). This is rare, because the influence can only be maintained by steady concentration. Such influences disappear, if one loses the concentration.

( Unconscious influencings: Unconscious influencings are more frequently. They are mostly caused by emotions (love, joy, happiness, fear, anger, envy, but also wishes,...). They are also not permanent, because these influences can also only be maintained by steady concentration (The thought of the emotion and the connection with the influenced "target"). The balance phenomenon can also be the cause for unconscious influences (see: "").

( What one can do against unwanted influences and/or their effects: One has several options, when a communicating with the influencing person (or astral being,...) does not help. One can protect oneself against undesired influences with the here mentioned possibilities. In addition to the quick method "M." one can apply the following methods:

( Depending on the kind of the influence one can apply a contrary method, to neutralize the influence.

( One can concentrate on the own body (optional with a simultaneous concentration on the energy sensation) with the wish, that the body will be protected or gets a kind of spiritual "shield" or that it gets inaccessible for influences. This method is the best choice! It ensures, that one blocks the influence unconsciously.

( One can load much energy and use the law of "" to let the influence disappear.

( Detection of influences of astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...) The external influences affect mostly the supernatural communication skills. That means, one receives incoming supernatural transmissions (""). Fortunately, these influences can simply be recognized. These influences accord always to the laws of this text. Some influences are desired, others are undesired. Some are a mixture of both.

( Detection of neutral and/or desired influences of astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...) One needs just to pay attention to pleasant "disturbances". Desired influences occur often during or after the application of appropriate methods to contact astral beings. Desired influences will be stopped, if one says to the astral beings (or...), that one does not want to be influenced anymore. Subconscious thought processes (2nd layer, see: "") do not meet the actual own desires. But they are pleasant or simply just interesting. But they are never unpleasant. The hypnagogic images (see: "") show nice or interesting scenes, which one does not know. These images can be very detailed. These are also never unpleasant. The perception of the tactile supernatural experiences can change independently of the respective situation and without own action or intention. These changes are mostly pleasant. Other kinds of influences for generating of pleasant "disturbances" are also possible. But these influences accord always to the laws of this text.

( Detection of undesired influences of astral beings, astral travelers and physical living beings (Other people, animals, aliens,...) One needs just to pay attention to unpleasant disturbances. Undesired influences occur mostly, if they are not needed. Undesired influences will not be stopped, if one says to the astral beings, that one does not want to be influenced anymore. Subconscious thought processes (2nd layer, see: "") do not meet the actual own desires (example: one loves plants, but one has often a subconscious thought to burn plants). The hypnagogic images (see: "") show scenes, which one does not like (for example, if one does not like spiders and spiders occur frequently). These images can be very detailed. The perception of the tactile supernatural experiences can change independently of the respective situation and without own action or intention. These changes are mostly disturbing. Other kinds of influences for generating of unpleasant disturbances are also possible. But these influences accord always to the laws of this text.

( Getting rid of undesired astral beings If one wants to get rid of an undesired astral being, one can use the following methods:

( It is often enough to tell them simply, that they have to go, because they are undesired.

( One can also simply concentrate and say or think to oneself, that the being has to go away. One could also add some rituals (Incense, salt, crucifix, whatever,...), but the principle is the same. One expresses in this way a wish, which gets fulfilled according to the laws of "1.1.4". The manner in which it works is still unknown. It is probable, that one unconsciously builds a barrier that repels the unwanted astral beings.

(1.1.4) Wishes to the "universe" You have probably heard something about it. One expresses a wish, and it gets fulfilled. But the manner, in which it works, is at least partly differently than one thinks. The success rate may vary, but it works at least in some cases. I learned this from personal experience. The actual "fulfillment" of the wish occurs not immediately, like the fulfillment with the help of a genie. It can be an long-term issue, but even seemingly impossible wishes can come true.

( Fulfilling by oneself Sometimes is oneself the cause for the fulfillment of the wishes. One does it by unconscious application of supernatural abilities according to the laws of this text.

( Fulfilling by astral beings Astral beings can exert influences (according to the laws of this text) to fulfill the wish. One should consider, that the astral beings should have enough motivation for that. It is similar to the real life, were also motivation is required to help.

(1.1.5) Basics of the supernatural perceptions (information gathering, receiving of telepathic communication,...) This group contains supplementary basics for all kinds of supernatural gathering or receiving of informations. This includes all supernatural perceptions and communications. This group is very detailed, because the most supernatural methods are supernatural perceptions or need supernatural perceptions as supplement. The informations of many points are logical effects of other physical laws. Other informations are partly till completely repeated. The informations offer in the here mentioned context a unique overview of supernatural perceptions. Therefore everyone should read this group. The here mentioned laws has been verified by own experiences.

( Kinds of application of supernatural perceptions: Every kind of supernatural perception is a kind of information gathering. Here is detailed explained, where supernatural perceptions are used.

( Every kind of remote perception. Remote viewing, remote investigation of matter or supernatural remote diagnosis of illnesses are methods for supernatural perception. One perceives things from greater distance.

( Every kind of supernatural contact. Telepathy and contact to hereafter are also supernatural perception methods. Contacts are exchange of informations. The supernatural receiving of informations during the communication is supernatural perception.

( Local perceiving of supernatural experiences. The perception of supernatural things and events at the own location are also kinds of the supernatural perception. Examples for local supernatural perceptions are the vision of the own aura and the vision of the aura of other persons at the own location. The vision and feeling of astral beings is also supernatural perception. The perceived supernatural experiences are gathered informations.

( Supernatural methods and their feedbacks. During the sending of energy and during the application of distant healing one notices, whether the receiver accepts the transmitted energy (or healing) or not. During the attempt to make out of body experiences one notices during the course of the relaxation, whether one can exit or not. These so called feedbacks (see "") are supernatural perceptions. These feedbacks are also gathered informations.

( Dreams, astral dreams and out of body experiences. During these experiences one perceives supernatural informations. Astral worlds and many till all dream environments are, including all there happening events, supernatural informations.

( Kinds of percepted informations. The here mentioned kinds of perceptible informations are only examples to give a impression of the possibilities. The actual range of the perceptible informations is so diverse, that it can not be completely mentioned. One can theoretically get every information, if one understands the rules of receiving. Here is explained, which informations one can receive.

( Informations about oneself. One can gather informations about the own energy and aura. One can gather informations about methods, which one applicates (feedback, see: ""). For example, whether the blockade removal works or not or whether energy gathers in the desired areas of the body or not. One can also gather informations about the places, where one has been. Informations in connection with events, which concern somehow oneself. That could be events, which one had consciously or unconsciously triggered, caused, planned or influenced in some other way. One can gather past, present and future informations. One can gather informations about, who or what influences oneself. One can also gather informations about the kind of the influences.

( Informations about other persons and other intelligent physical living beings. One can gather informations about the person. For example the appearance, state, illnesses and the emotional state. One can also gather informations about the energy and the aura of the person. In addition one can gather informations about their living or deceased relatives and informations about the live and the environment of the relatives. One can gather informations about, whether and how applied methods (supernatural transmission (""), healing,...) takes effect (feedback, see: ""). Informations in relation with events, which concern somehow the person himself, can also be gathered. That could be events, which the person had consciously or unconsciously triggered, caused, planned or influenced in some other way. One can also gather informations, which the other person had defined or informations which the other person knows, even if they does not concern the other person. One can gather past, present and future informations. One can gather the informations directly, what means, that the other person does not send. The gathering can also be done as telepathic transmission (consciously and unconsciously). The advantage of this kind of supernatural perception is, that the person can verify the gathered informations, if the person knows these informations. One needs just to ask the person. If one can not ask the person, the informations can be verified by other persons, whose gather the same informations. This kind of verification is not completely reliable. Especially disruptions of the supernatural perception and protection against information gathering can affect all persons, whose gather these informations. Other persons can know supernatural abilities or also have supernatural abilities. Then are they able to notice the information gathering and to disrupt intentionally the information gathering by supernatural transmission and other appropriate methods.

( Informations about living animals. One can gather informations about the animal. For example the appearance, state, illnesses and the emotional state. One can also gather informations about the energy and the aura of the animal. In addition one can gather informations about the living or deceased relatives of the animal and informations about the live and the environment of the relatives. One can gather informations about, whether and how applied methods (supernatural transmission (""), healing,...) takes effect (feedback, see: ""). Informations in relation with events, which concern somehow the animal itself, can also be gathered. That could be events, which the animal had consciously or unconsciously triggered, caused, planned or influenced in some other way. One can also gather informations, which the animal knows, even if they does not concern the animal. One can gather past, present and future informations. One can gather the informations directly, what means, that the animal does not send. The gathering can also be done as telepathic transmission (probably only unconsciously). But animals are only partly able to verify the gathered informations. One can verify the informations by other persons, whose gather the same informations. This kind of verification is not completely reliable. Especially disruptions of the supernatural perception and protection against information gathering can affect all persons, whose gather these informations. Animals have probably not the possibility and the interest to notice or disrupt information gathering. Animals are probable not able to send energy consciously. They can then only unconsciously send energy.

( Informations about non physical living beings (astral beings). One can gather informations about the astral being. For example the appearance, state and the emotional state. One can also gather informations about the energy and the aura of the astral being. In addition one can gather informations about their living or deceased relatives and informations about the live and the environment of the relatives (important in the case of the contact to hereafter). One can gather informations about, whether and how applied methods (supernatural transmission (""),...) takes effect (feedback, see: ""). Informations in relation with events, which concern somehow the astral being itself, can also be gathered. That could be events, which the astral being had consciously or unconsciously triggered, caused, planned or influenced in some other way. One can also gather informations, which the astral being had defined or informations which the astral being knows, even if they does not concern the astral being. One can gather past, present and future informations. One can gather the informations directly, what means, that the astral being does not send. The gathering can also be done as telepathic transmission (consciously and unconsciously). Astral beings have usually much better supernatural abilities. They can notice and disrupt the information gathering much better. One can contact astral beings only with supernatural perception methods. Therefore, the informations can be verified only with supernatural methods (exception: contact to hereafter, where living relatives, friends and acquaintances can verify some informations). One can verify the informations by other persons, whose gather the same informations. This kind of verification is not completely reliable. Especially disruptions of the supernatural perception and protection against information gathering can affect all persons, whose gather these informations.

( Informations about physical living targets. One can gather informations about every place, every event and every object. One can gather all possible with the target related informations. Who or what was at the target and what happened at the target. Which properties the target has (material, state, damages) and for what the target was used. If the target contains informations (CDs, computers, hard discs, records,...) one can gather also these informations. Physical not living targets can only partly verify the gathered informations. One can verify the informations by other persons, whose gather the same informations. This kind of verification is not completely reliable. Especially disruptions of the supernatural perception and protection against information gathering can affect all persons, whose gather these informations.

( Informations about not physical not living targets. One can gather informations about every place, every event and every object. One can gather all possible with the target related informations. Who or what was at the target and what happened at the target. Which properties the target has (material, state, damages) and for what the target was used. If the target contains informations one can gather also these informations. Physical not living targets can only partly verify the gathered informations. One can reach not physical targets only with supernatural methods. Therefore, the informations can be verified only with supernatural methods. One can verify the informations by other persons, whose gather the same informations. This kind of verification is not completely reliable. Especially disruptions of the supernatural perception and protection against information gathering can affect all persons, whose gather these informations.

( The process and the reliability of supernatural perceiving of the informations. Here are basics about the actual process of the perception of supernatural informations and the reliability of the gathered informations. These basics are supplemental informations to the methods.

( Basics of the percepting of the informations. Here is explained, how the perception works and how it is influenced.

( Definition of the target. Supernatural perception is like the visiting of a giant library. If one does not know, what one wants to know, one has to search in millions of books. But, if one knows, which information one wants, is it easier. The more exact one knows, what one wants to know, the less books one has to read. But then one gets mostly a not interesting or not understandable book. Supernatural perception works similar. But one can not search in the whole books. One says, what one wants to reduce the number of possible books. Then one gets only a few randomly choosed pages, which has been choosed from this number of books. If the number of books is to big, one gets often simply nothing. To prevent, that one gets only useless informations, one must define exactly what one wants to know. If one wants to know "something about France", one will get rarely useful informations. France contains unbelievable many informations. Even if one wants to know "something about the Eiffel Tower", one gets few useful informations. This tower contains extreme many facts and informations. For example the number and size of the single rivets or the color of the chewing gum, which one visitor left there 5 years ago. Or about the weather on the coldest day there. One must think before the perception exactly, if the request for informations is really exactly. Even the informations, which one could get about a common park bench, are enough to fill a small library. A good target definition is: "How looks the Eiffel Tower now, if one sees it from a far distance?". It would be better, if one defines also exactly the place, from which one wants to see the Tower.

( Not existing targets: One can not gather informations, if the target does not exists. Of the target does not exists, one gets either no informations or wrong informations.

( How one concentrates: One concentrates on the information, which one wants to know. One should notice the gathered informations without letting oneself getting distracted by them. If one lets oneself get distracted by gathered informations, one gets only informations about the things and events, which distract. One example is, if one concentrates on a car and gets distracted by the driver. One gets then only informations about the driver. Only if one takes care, that one gets not distracted and if one always keeps the exact target definition in mind, one will get the desired informations.

( Kinds of informations and the for the gathering suitable experiences. One should notice, that for the gathering of physical informations other experiences are suitable, than for the gathering of nonphysical informations. The here mentioned kinds of possible informations are just examples to give a impression about the possibilities. The actual amount of kinds of gatherable informations is very big. One can theoretically get any possible information, if one just knows the manner in which it can be received. Here are basic examples of receivable informations mentioned to offer a insight of the possibilities. A complete listing of all gatherable kinds of informations would require too much space. This group contains also a summary of for the receiving suitable experiences. If one chooses the right experience, one can get much easier the desired informations. But, if one chooses a wrong experience, could the receiving be hard or impossible.

( Pictures (physical, supernatural): One can receive informations based on pictures with very many different experiences. One can gather by the receiving of pictures very many informations in very short time.

( Physical informations: One can receive informations about the physical appearance and all other visible properties of a target. One can get informations about whether the target is in motion or not.

( Supernatural informations: One can get informations about the non physical appearance of a target. This includes auras and energies of other beings.

( Tactile experiences (physical, supernatural): Tactile properties, like hardness, structure and similar can also be received.

( Physical informations: Only a few experiences are suitable for the receiving of physical tactile informations. One can feel, whether a animal has a fur, whether a engine is hot or cold, or whether a unknown substance is hard and brittle or wet and oily.

( Supernatural informations: Very many experiences are suitable for the receiving of non physical tactile informations. One can feel the auras and the energies of other beings.

( Audible informations and informations based on thoughts (physical, supernatural)

( Physical informations: One can receive all possible audible informations. This includes tape recordings, spoken texts and the music on a compact disc.

( Supernatural informations: Thoughts can also be received. Sounds and noises of the astral world can also be perceived.

( Emotions

( Emotions are non physical. They can be received easily.

( Conversion and indirect receiving of physical informations

( The conversion of informations: A kind of information can be converted in another kind of information without changes of the content. A visible information can also be explained with words. For example: One can receive the color of a target as a word (red, blue,...). One can find out the condition of a target in words. One can find out the position of a target by seeing the target on its position or by seeing a mark on a map.

( Aftereffects and indirect informations: A information can also be gathered indirectly by interpreting of other informations. If one sees symptoms of a illness on a person, one sees not the illness itself. But one knows then, that the person is ill, because one has seen the symptoms. One gathered the information about the illness indirectly by its aftereffects. The position of a fire can be found out by the smell of burning.

( Conversion and indirect receiving of non physical informations

( Conversion of informations: The non physical informations can also be converted. The state of the aura can also be heared in words. The charge state of a target can be seen indirectly as image of a charge level indicator.

( Aftereffects and indirect informations: One can gather also non physical informations indirectly by interpreting of other informations. The position of a person can be determined by noticing of the aura.

( Functioning of the reception of informations: Here is explained, how the reception of informations works.

( Direct reception by the (physical) senses of the body: The direct reception by the senses is the first possibility. Here are the supernatural informations "entered" directly in the senses of the body. This kind of reception of informations is mostly very reliable. One sees the own aura or the aura of other persons with open eyes. One feels the energy of a nearby person in the own hand. One feels the own energy in the own body.

( Indirect reception by the (physical) senses of the body: The indirect reception of informations by the senses of the body is another alternative. Here are the senses used to receiv informations, which are not present in this form. One perceives properties indirectly. One sees the aura and estimates the charge state. One feels energy and estimates the health status of a person. One feels the energy of a person and estimates the kind and intensity of a emotion of this person. Here are directly in the senses entered informations evaluated to gather other informations. One interprets the informations. One comparison from the real live is, when one notices a noise or a shaking during a ca ride. One interprets, that a tire is broken. One sees the tire not directly, but one perceives the aftereffects and interprets, that the tire is broken.

( Reception from greater distances: Here are informations entered in the senses of the body, which are not present at the own position. The informations have to travel a certain distance to reach the senses of the body. One sees the aura of a person in a other town. One feels the emotion of a person at the own position (The information about the emotion has to travel a distance, because the body records it not directly on the spot).

( Signal delivery: The informations are delivered from a distance without own action. This includes supernatural transmission ("") and telepathy.

( Signal pick up: Oneself picks up the informations from a distance. This includes the charging of energy from a distance.

( Energy shift: One shifts a part of the own energy to the target to record informations there. This includes the remote viewing or the viewing of the aura from a distance.

( Direct reception by the thoughts: These are informations entered directly in the thoughts. One receives telepathic transmitted words.

( Reception in (real) dreams: Informations, which one receives during real dreams, belong to the directly by thoughts received informations.

( Reception in out of body experiences and astral dreams: This are informations, which are received during astral dreams and during out of body experiences. One is out of body, while one receives the informations.

( Reliability of the gathered informations: Not every information, which one gets, is correct. Here is explained, how and why informations can differ from the truth.

( What means reliability: It is important to know, in which kind a information can be wrong.

( Correct informations: A completely correct information would be optimal. Example: The target could be a thick blue book. And one sees a thick blue book. Unfortunately are completely correct informations a bit rare.

( Deviating informations: A information can deviate from the truth. Stated amounts can be wrong. Colors can be different. Example: The target is a tree with green leaves. But one sees several trees with red leaves. But the object can also be wrong, while the other informations are right. Example: One sees 12 silver bullions. But the targets were 12 silver coins. Every detail can be right or wrong. Deviating informations contain truth and untruths. The most informations, which one gets, contain smaller till bigger deviations.

( Wrong informations: Completely wrong informations are also possible. Example: The target is a red car. But one sees two yellow snakes. Wrong informations are not as frequently as deviating informations.

( Own influences on the reliability: Here are the own influences on the reliability explained.

( Expectations: The own expectations are the biggest problem. If one expects (consciously or unconsciously) a certain information, one will get the expected information. Example: One expects a car. One sees a car. The kind of the target does not matter.

( Expectations, which are caused by already get (parts of the) informations: Expectations can result, if one gets certain informations. Example: The target is a red frog. One sees the color red and expects a Car. Then one sees a red Car.

( Distraction during the information gathering: If one gets distracted during the gathering of informations, the informations can be changed by the distraction.

( Disruptions during the information gathering: A disruption during the gathering of informations directs the attention to the cause of the disruption. One gets than often many or even only informations about the cause of the disruption. Disruptions worsen also the concentration.

( Trivial and irrelevant informations: One gets often several informations at once. Trivial informations can often attract the full attention. Example: The target is a packed backpack (in this example with a camera, some clothes and food). One sees first a camera, which is in the backpack. Now it can be, that one sees only informations about this camera. But, one can also see a backpack full of camera accessories.

( The unconscious: Not only conscious disruptions can change informations. Unconscious expectations and thoughts can also disrupt the gathering of informations.

( Connections of the informations with own memories: The gathering of informations, which has similarities or connections with own memories, can be problematic. Example: The target is a car, which stands in a service station. One sees cars mostly on streets and parking lots. Now it can be, that one sees the car on a street. It is also possible, that one sees only a street.

( Influences of fears and worries on the information gathering: Fears and worries are very strong confounders. Who fears something, causes often due this fear, that the feared event occurs. Who fears to get no informations, will get no informations.

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") influences also the information gathering. This phenomenon is caused by unconscious fears and worries.

( Confusions: It is possible, that one confuses during the information gathering a object with another object. The cause of the confusion can vary. Example: One sees a puddle of water, but the target is a lake seen from far away. One sees a big round object, and thinks that this is a rocket. But it is a pipe.

( Influences of the Target on the reliability: The target influences also the reliability.

( Similarities: A target can resemble another object. Objects, which resemble other objects, can be confused. One sees a mushroom. But the target is a mushroom of plastic. One sees a car. But the target is a toy car. One sees a diamond. The target is a piece of glass.

( Modifications of the target: Things, which has been chosen as target, can modify or be modified. Example: One sees a big stone. But the stone will then be built into a building. People can change clothes. Objects can be moved, modified, built-in or consumed.

( Additional influences of living physical and non physical targets on the reliability: Living targets have additional possibilities to influence the information gathering.

( Repulse of the information gathering: It can be, that living targets does not want to be a target of a information gathering. They have then several possibilities to disrupt or to prevent the information gathering.

( Consciously repulsing: Who not want to be a target of a information gathering, can disrupt this by consciously used means.

( Disruption by supernatural transmission: The target has several possibilities to disrupt or prevent the information gathering by supernatural transmission ("").

( Sending of wrong informations: One can send deviant or completely wrong informations to disrupt the information gathering.

( Sending of distracting disruptions: One can send disruptions, which distract from the information gathering. Tactile supernatural experiences, emotions and any other transfers can disrupt the concentration.

( Disruption by conscious blocking: One can block the process of information gathering directly.

( One concentrates on the wish or thought, to prevent that the receiver gets informations. This wish will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( One can try to keep hold of the information to prevent in this kind, that the information gets to the receiver. The information is energy. One can attract a certain energy intentionally. One applies the energy method ("M.2"). During this one concentrates on the wish to attract exactly the energy, which contains the information.

( Unconsciously repulsing: The information gathering will be repulsed or prevented unconsciously, if a live form does not want, that someone else gets a certain information about it. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Influences of the living target on the information gathering: The living target can influence the information gathering. This can happen consciously and unconsciously.

( Thoughts of the living targets: Thoughts of the living targets can also be transferred or received as wrong informations. Example: The target is a child. This child thinks of a zoo. It can be, that one sees animals.

( Expectations of the living targets: If the living target expects, that the receiver gets certain informations, it can send unconsciously exactly these informations to the receiver. Example: The target is a man with a cap. He thinks, the receiver will get informations about the cap. The man sends unconsciously informations about the cap to the receiver. The receiver sees the sended information about the cap.

( Fears and worries of the living targets: If the living target has fears and worries, then these fears and worries influences the informations, which the receiver gets. If the target has the worry, that the receiver receives no informations, the receiver will receive no informations. Has the target the worry, that the receiver gets certain informations, it sends these informations unconsciously.

( Balance phenomenon: The living target can also apply the balance phenomenon (see the group "") or it can be affected by it.

( Supports: Living targets can also help the receiver to get the informations.

( Consciously sending of the informations: The living target sends intentionally the desired information with the energy transmission ("") to the receiver.

( Unconsciously sending of the informations: The living target sends the information unconsciously and unintentionally with the energy transmission ("") to the receiver.

( Unconsciously supporting of the information gathering: The living target supports the process of information gathering unconsciously. For example with the wish, that a certain information gets to the receiver. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") can also have a supporting effect on the information gathering.

( Influences of physical and non physical living beings, which are not the target, on the reliability: Living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, can also influence the information gathering.

( Disruptions: Living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, can disrupt the information gathering with different means.

( Repulsing of the information gathering: Living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, can also repulse the information gathering.

( Consciously repulsing: Who not wants, that one gathers information about someone or something, can disrupt this information gathering by consciously used means.

( Disruption by supernatural transmission: One has the possibility to disrupt or to prevent the information gathering by supernatural transmission ("").

( Sending of wrong informations: One can send deviant or completely wrong informations to disrupt the information gathering.

( Sending of distracting disruptions: One can send disruptions, which distract from the information gathering. Tactile supernatural experiences, emotions and any other transfers can disrupt the concentration.

( Disruption by conscious blocking: One can block the process of information gathering directly. The blocking by living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, is only partially possible. The wish of a uninvolved influences less, than the wish of the target or the receiver.

( One concentrates on the wish or thought, to prevent that the receiver gets informations. This wish will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( One can try to keep hold of the information to prevent in this kind, that the information gets to the receiver. The information is energy. One can attract a certain energy intentionally. One applies the energy method ("M.2"). During this one concentrates on the wish to attract exactly the energy, which contains the information.

( Unconsciously repulsing: The information gathering will be repulsed or prevented unconsciously, if a live form does not want, that someone else gets certain informations. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Influences on the information gathering: One can influence the information gathering , even when one is not the target or the receiver. This can happen consciously and unconsciously.

( Thoughts of life forms, which are not the target or the receiver: Thoughts of living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, can also be transferred or received unconsciously as wrong information. Example: The target is a car. The friend of the receiver observes the information gathering and thinks of music. The receiver will get probably also informations about this music. This kind of influencing happens also, if someone does not observe the information gathering, but thinks of the receiver.

( Expectations of life forms, which are not the target or the receiver: If a living being, which is not target or receiver, expects, that the receiver gets certain informations, it can send unconsciously exactly these informations to the receiver.

( Fears and worries of life forms, which are not the target or the receiver: If a living being, which is not target or receiver, has fears and worries, then these fears and worries influences the informations, which the receiver gets. If such a living being has the worry, that the receiver receives no informations, the receiver will receive no informations. Has this live from the worry, that the receiver gets certain informations, it sends these informations unconsciously.

( Balance phenomenon: Life forms, which are not target or receiver, can also apply the balance phenomenon (see the group "") or be affected by it.

( Supports: Life forms, which are not target or receiver, can also help the receiver to get the informations.

( Consciously sending of the informations: A living being, which is not target or receiver, sends intentionally the desired information with the energy transmission ("") to the receiver.

( Unconsciously sending of the informations: A living being, which is not target or receiver, sends the information unconsciously and unintentionally with the energy transmission ("") to the receiver.

( Unconsciously supporting of the information gathering: A living being, which is not target or receiver, supports the process of information gathering unconsciously. For example with the wish, that a certain information gets to the receiver. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") can also have a supporting effect on the information gathering.

( How one receives informations: Here are the general basics of the gathering of informations explained. The here mentioned procedure is part of every method of supernatural perception and information gathering.

( Choosing of the experience: Every information can be received in different ways. Mostly some experiences are more appropriate than other experiences. Examples: For the receiving of the appearance of a object is a pictorially perception the most appropriate possibility. Appropriate possibilities to receive a text are as spoken or read words. The right choice of the suitable experience is crucial, when one wants to get good informations. For the choice of the experience is also important, that one knows this experience and that one can deal with it.

( Know how to use the experience: One should be able to experience the chosen experience intentionally. If one can not do it, one can learn it. To learn it, one should read all informations about the experience. In this text are all experiences described, which I know. Furthermore, here are methods and instructions, which describe how one can experience these experiences intentionally. The information gathering works only, when one reads and learns. If one is here lazy, one will probably have no success. One tries first to learn, how one can experience the experience intentionally. One trains then to trigger and experience the experience intentionally. Then one trains the passive observing of the experience. That means, one tries to perceive the experience and tries to avert a influence by own thoughts. One notices a influence by the thoughts on the response of the experience to these thoughts. Such responses must be avoided or at least recognized. The better one can deal with the experience, the better will the perception work.

( The actual receiving: One concentrates exactly on the target definition. Then one triggers the experience. Then one experiences the experience passively, while one concentrates on the target definition. One concentrates also on the wish to get the desired information from the experience. One observes the information, which this experience shows.

(1.1.6) Basics of the supernatural influencing: Here are the basics of all kinds of supernatural influencing and modification described. This group is very detailed, because it concerns all methods, with can influence objects, oneself or other living beings. It can be, that the informations of single points is repeated partly or completely at other parts of this text. The here mentioned informations offer in the here present context a unique overview of the topic supernatural influences. The here mentioned laws has been verified by own experiences.

( Where are supernatural influences applied: Here is explained, where supernatural influences are applied. The here mentioned things are just a small selection of the possibilities.

( Methods, which modify oneself: Every kind of method, which modifies oneself, is a kind of supernatural influencing. Oneself is the own target. This includes self healing, removal of blockades and the application of the energy method. Furthermore this includes also the out of body experience attempts and the charging of the own aura.

( Every kind of supernatural contact: Outgoing supernatural transmissions ("") are supernatural influencings. One influences the perception of the receiver by these supernatural contacts.

( Methods, which modify other life forms: Healing of other living beings and the removal of their blockades are also influencings.

( Supernatural interaction with the physical environment and physical objects: Every supernatural moving or modification of physical objects, like telekinesis or the unintentional supernatural damaging of electronic devices are supernatural influencings.

( Interaction with environments in the astral world and in dreams: Every interaction, which one makes during out of body experiences or during dreams, are supernatural influencings. This includes also physical (touching walls) and pseudophysical (going through walls) interactions during dreams and out of body experiences.

( What can be influenced: Here are some examples mentioned to show, what can be influences. The actual range of the possible influences is so big, that it can not be completely mentioned here. Influences beyond the borders of time are possible. Things, of which one knows, that they already happened, can not or only hardly be changed.

( Influencing of oneself: One can influence the own energy and apply the energy method. The removal of own blockades and the charging of the own aura are also influences on oneself.

( Influencing of intelligent physical life forms: One can contact them or influence their energy. One can heal them. One can change their emotions. One can send informations to them. One can ask intelligent physical living beings easily about the success of a influencing.

( Influencing of animals: One can contact them or influence their energy. One can heal them. One can change their emotions. One can send informations to them. One can ask animals hardly about the success of a influencing.

( Influencing of non physical life forms: One can contact them or influence their energy. One can heal them. One can change their emotions. One can send informations to them. One can ask non physical living beings only with supernatural methods about the success of a influencing.

( Influencing of physical objects: One can influence physical objects in varying degrees. But in practice, the influences are mostly low. Examples: One can get during a dice game more desired numbers. Electronic devices can get damaged.

( Influencing of non physical non living objects: Non physical environments can be completely modified. New objects can be added. Objects can be moved telekinetically.

( How one can influence: Here are basics about the influencing. The are also a supplement to the in this text mentioned methods.

( Basics of the process of the influencing: Here is explained, how the supernatural influencing works and how it is influenced.

( Definition of the target of the influencing: The target of the influence should be defined sufficiently. To apply a desired influence successfully, one must define a exact target. The more inexact the target definition is, the more will the influence be scattered and the smaller is its effect. Therefore one should concentrate exactly on the object or the life form, which one wants to influence. One can concentrate also on several life forms or objects.

( Specific of the influencing of life forms (target definition of the receiver): Receiving life forms can influence the influencing by participation or non participation. Receiving living beings should also concentrate on kind and target of the influence. Example: If one wants to influence the hand, the receiving living being should concentrate on this hand.

( Specific of the influencing of animals and other living beings, which can not communicate with the influencer: One can not tell every life form, what one wants to do. If one wants, that they concentrate on a specific area of the body, one must use a trick. If one touches a area of the body of a life form, the life form concentrates mostly on this area.

( Specific of the influencing of oneself: To influence oneself, one must concentrate on the kind of influence and on the receiving of the influence.

( Disruption of the target defining of the receiving living beings: If a live form concentrates on a other target (area of the body or the aura or...) than the sender of the influence, the influence will be also attracted by this target. Example: The receiver concentrates during a attempt to remove headache on the hand and not on the head. The influence gets then partly till completely into the hand. Mostly, the sender of the influence can do nothing to prevent this.

( Not existing targets: If one defines a target, which not exists (anymore), does the influence not arrive. The transferred energy comes then mostly back.

( Definition of the kind of the Influence: The kind of the influencing must also be defined exactly. If one defines a influence not exactly, the result may differ from the desired result.

( Specific of the influencing of live forms (influence definition of the receiver): The life form, which receives the influence, must also define the kind of the influence. This concerns in particular the supernatural communication. It works significantly better, if the receiver knows and defines, which kind of influence arrives.

( Specific of the influencing of animals and other life forms, which can not communicate with the influencer: One can not tell every life form, what one wants to do. Therefore they can not always define the kind of the influence correctly. Nevertheless healings often work well, because live forms automatically concentrate on (self) healing. If one wants to apply another kind of influence, one has mostly no possibility to persuade the life form to a cooperation. Nevertheless a receiving of the influence is possible, however the success rate is lower.

( Specific of the influencing of oneself: To influence oneself, one must concentrate also during the receiving on the kind of influence to cause the desired effect.

( Disruption of the defining of the kind of influence of the receiving living beings: A live form, which expects another kind of influence, than the sender of the influence sends, can get another (the expected) kind of influence. A lacking definition can lead to a random kind of influence. Example: A telepathic transfer arrives as a healing or a emotion transfer.

( Feedbacks: Feedbacks are informations, which one gets or gathers during a influencing. They give informations about the course of the influencing. Particularly important informations are whether the information arrives or is repelled or just comes back (if the target does not exist). Feedbacks accord to the laws of information gathering. There are two kinds of feedback:

( Passive feedback: One gets these information even, when one does not concentrate on their gathering. Example: If one sends energy, and this energy comes back or comes not back.

( Active feedback: These informations must be picked up by concentration

(no matter if consciously or unconsciously). The checks, whether a charged aura is brighter or whether blockades are removed, are active feedback.

( How one concentrates during the influencing: One concentrates on the target, which one wants to influence. Furthermore one concentrates on the kind of the desired influencing. One must keep these definitions of the target and the kind of the influencing in the head during the whole time. But one should concentrate only and exactly on these definitions. One should not let oneself get distracted. Possibly received feedbacks (see "") should only be noticed. Feedbacks are gathered informations. Important: Feedbacks can sometimes be wrong (according to the laws of the information gathering, see "1.1.5").

( Specific of the influencing of life forms (concentration of the receiver): The life form must also concentrate. It must concentrate on the target (area of the body or...) and the kind of the influence to get the optimal desired result of the influencing. If the receiving life form concentrates not or only inaccurately, the result may deviate from the desired result.

( Kinds of influencings: There exist following kinds of influencings.

( Local kinds of the application of influencings

( Local influencing (approximations, effects of the aura,...): These influencings are applied on the spot and by approximation or contact.

( Consciously influencing: Is the intentional utilization of local possibilities of the influencing. Example: The touching of the aura or the laying of hands to heal.

( Unconsciously influencing: Is the unwanted or unintentional influencing by local effects. If a person approximates another person, are their auras mutually influencing each other. During the handshaking is always also a unconscious kind of mutual influencing applicated.

( Influencing from a distance (supernatural transmission, communication): These influences are caused by supernatural transmission ("") to a distant target.

( Consciously influencing: Is the intentional influencing from a distance. This includes the supernatural communication and the sending of energy.

( Unconsciously influencing: Is the unwanted or unintentional influencing. Example: The unintentional sending of emotions during the telepathic sending of images.

( Indirect influencing and transformation of influences

( Transformation of influences: Receiver of influences can transform the received influence in another kind of influence.

( Aftereffects and indirect influences: One can apply a influence to cause a certain aftereffect. Example: Who wants to let the aura of somebody else glow, can send energy to this person and the aura will then maybe start to glow.

( Reliability of the influencing: Not every influencing works as planned. Here is explained, what reliability of the influencing means and how and why the results of influencings can deviate.

( What reliability means: It is important to know, how the result can deviate.

( Full success: The influence has exactly the effect, which was planned. Example: A healing heals and a emotion transfer transfers the correct emotion. If one performs the influencings correctly, full successes are common.

( Partial success: The result deviates partly from the planned result. Additional influences can be sended together with the planned influence. Other influences can occur at the receiver. Some of the planned results can lack. Partial successes are most common, if one does not concentrate exactly.

( No success: A total failure is also possible. A total failure is when the desired effect does not occur. But a completely different effect, than one has planned, can also occur. It is also possible, that no influence arrives or that the influence arrives at another target, than one has planned. Failures happen especially during disruptions and / or if the concentration is insufficient.

( Own influences on the reliability: Here are the own influences on the reliability of influencings explained.

( Expectations: Own expectations are the biggest problem. If one expects (consciously or unconsciously) a certain result, one will send the expected influence. Example: One expects a failure and the influencing fails. One expects, that the target person perceives the own emotions and one sends the own emotions.

( Expectations, which are caused by received feedbacks: If a feedback indicates a certain result, one can get on these indicated results based expectations (see ""). Example: A feedback indicates a extreme amount of energy at the receiver. One expects then, that the influence does not arrive due a overcharge. Then does the influence not arrive.

( Distraction: If one gets distracted during the influencing, the result can deviate from the desired result.

( Disruptions: A Disruption during the influencing directs the attention to the cause of the disruption. Often one influences then the cause of the disruption instead of the target. Disruptions worsen also the concentration.

( Disruptions by received informations: One gets during the influencing often informations (intentionally and unintentionally). These informations can often attract the full attention. If a information attracts the attention, it (the content of the information) can become the target of the influence.

( The unconscious: The unconscious: Not only conscious disruptions can change influences. Unconscious expectations and thoughts can also disrupt the influencing.

( Connections of the influencing with own memories: Memories can be connected with the target or with the action. These memories can lead to a disruption of the influencing. Example: Someone has often (intentionally) transferred emotions during the transfer of tactile supernatural experiences. If this person sends tactile supernatural experiences without emotions, sends this person often nevertheless (unintentionally) emotions. A person was scared during a influencing by something (fireworks,...). If this person sends again influences, this person sends maybe together with the influence also the feeling of fear (of a scare).

( Influences of fears and worries on the influencing: Fears and worries are very strong confounders. Who fears something, causes often due this fear, that the feared event occurs. Who fears to send no influences, will send no influences. Who fears to send another kind of influence, than planned, will send another kind of influence.

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") influences also the influencing. This phenomenon is caused by unconscious fears and worries.

( Wrong interpretation of feedbacks: If one interprets a feedback (see "") incorrectly, it can be that this wrong interpretation leads one to change the kind of the influence or to stop the influencing.

( Additional influences of living physical and non physical targets on the reliability: Living targets have additional possibilities to influence the influencing.

( Repulsing of the influencing: It can be, that living targets does not want to be a target of a influencing. They have then several possibilities to disrupt or to prevent the influencing.

( Consciously repulsing: Who not want to be a target of a influencing, can disrupt this by consciously used means.

( Disruption by supernatural transmission: The target has several possibilities to disrupt or prevent the influencing by supernatural transmission ("").

( Sending of wrong feedback-informations: One can send deviating or completely wrong feedbacks (see ""). When the influencer gets wrong feedbacks, the influencing becomes harder.

( Sending of distracting disruptions: One can send disruptions, which distract from the influencing. Tactile supernatural experiences, emotions and any other transfers can disrupt the concentration.

( Disruption by conscious blocking: One can block the process of influencing directly.

( One concentrates on the wish or thought, to prevent that one gets the influence. This wish will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( One can try to keep hold of the influencing transfer or to redirect it. One can prevent in this kind, that the influence causes the by the influencer planned effect. The method blocking of external influences (see "M.") is such a method. One redirects the signal during the application of this method into the hand and keeps it there.

( Unconsciously repulsing: The influencing will be repulsed or prevented unconsciously, if a live form does not want, that someone else influences it. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Influencing of the influencing by living targets: A living target can also influence the influencing.

( Thoughts of the living targets: Thoughts of the living targets can be transferred unconsciously as disruption or wrong feedback (see "").

( Expectations of the living targets: If a living target expects, that one applies a certain influence, it can convert unconsciously the received influence into the expected influence.

( Fears and worries of the living targets: If the living target has fears and worries, then these fears and worries influences the incoming influences, which it gets. If the target has the worry, that it receives no influence, it will receive no influence. Has the target the worry, that it gets certain influence, it converts unconsciously the incoming influence into this feared influence.

( Balance phenomenon: The living target can also apply the balance phenomenon (see the group "") or it can be affected by it.

( Supports: Living targets can also help the influencer to apply the influence.

( Consciously influencing: The target helps the influencer and applies also the desired influence.

( Unconsciously influencing: The target influences itself unconsciously. Example: Life forms heal themselves, if they are ill.

( Unconsciously supporting of the influencing: The living target supports the process of influencing unconsciously. For example with the wish, that a certain influence arrives. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") can also have a supporting effect on the influencing.

( Influences of physical and non physical living beings, which are not the target, on the reliability: Living beings, which are not the target or the influencer, can also influence the influencing.

( Disruptions: Living beings, which are not the target or the influencer, can disrupt the influencing with different means.

( Repulsing of the influencing: Living beings, which are not the target or the receiver, can also repulse the influencing.

( Consciously repulsing: Who not wants, that one influences someone or something, can disrupt this influencing by consciously used means.

( Disruption by supernatural transmission: One has the possibility to disrupt or to prevent the influencing by supernatural transmission ("").

( Sending of wrong feedback-informations: Live forms, which are not the target or the influencer, can also send deviating or completely wrong feedbacks (see ""). When the influencer gets wrong feedbacks, the influencing becomes harder.

( Sending of distracting disruptions: Live forms, which are not the target or the influencer, can also send disruptions, which distract from the influencing. Tactile supernatural experiences, emotions and any other transfers can disrupt the concentration.

( Disruption by conscious blocking: One can block the process of influencing directly. The blocking by living beings, which are not the target or the influencer, is only partially possible. The wish of a uninvolved influences less, than the wish of the target or the influencer.

( One concentrates on the wish or thought, to prevent that the target gets influenced. This wish will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( One can try to keep hold of the influence to prevent in this kind, that the influence gets to the target. The influence is energy. One can attract a certain energy intentionally. One applies the energy method ("M.2"). During this one concentrates on the wish to attract exactly the energy of the influence.

( Unconsciously repulsing: The influencing will be repulsed or prevented unconsciously, if a live form does not want, that someone else gets certain influences. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Influencing of the influencing: Life forms, which are not the target or the influencer, can also influence the influencing.

( Thoughts of live forms, which are not the target or the influencer: Thoughts of live forms, which are not the target or the influencer, can be transferred as wrong feedback (see "") or disruption.

( Expectations of live forms, which are not the target or the influencer: If a live form, which is not the target or the influencer, expects, that the influencer causes a certain influence, it can send unconsciously exactly this influence.

( Fears and worries of life forms, which are not the target or the influencer: If a living being, which is not target or influencer, has fears and worries, then these fears and worries influences the influences, which the target gets. If such a living being has the worry, that the target gets no influence, the target will get no influence. Has this live from the worry, that the target gets a certain influence, it sends this influence unconsciously to the target.

( Balance phenomenon: Life forms, which are not target or influencer, can also apply the balance phenomenon (see the group "") or be affected by it.

( Supports: Life forms, which are not target or influencer, can help the influencer to apply influences.

( Consciously sending: The life form, which is not the target or the influencer, sends also the desired influence.

( Unconsciously sending: The life form, which is not the target or the influencer, sends the desired influence unconsciously.

( Unconsciously supporting of the influencing: A living being, which is not target or Influencer, supports the process of influencing unconsciously. For example with the wish, that a certain influence gets to the target. This wish of this live form will be fulfilled according to the laws of the wishes to the universe (see: "1.1.4").

( Balance phenomenon: The balance phenomenon (see the group "") can also have a supporting effect on the influencing.

( How one influences: Here are the general basics of the influencing explained. The here mentioned procedure is part of every method of supernatural influencing. But there exist also many sometimes very big differences. The detailed descriptions of the different kinds of influences are listed in the respective methods and experiences in this text.

( Choosing of the kind of influencing: There exist influences, which can be done in different ways and influences, which can be done only in one way. One chooses a appropriate kind of influencing and a appropriate method to get this influence to the target.

( Knowing, how one uses methods and experiences: One should be able to experience required experiences intentionally. If one can not do it, one can learn it. To learn it, one should read all informations about these experiences. In this text are all experiences described, which I know. Furthermore, here are methods and instructions, which describe how one can experience these experiences intentionally. To every kind of influence are methods mentioned in this text.

( The actual influencing: One concentrates first on the target and on the kind of influence and the for the influencing necessary actions. One applies these actions according to the instructions of the method. Living receivers of influences should know of the influencing and these should have approved.

(1.1.7) Properties of the astral body in the astral world: Here are the properties of the astral body in the astral world explained, which I know. Please note also "".

( All perceptions during out of body experiences are supernatural perceptions according to "1.1.5".

( The perceptions during an out of body experience are very realistic. The can be more clear and more detailed than the perceptions of the real (physical) world. The cause is, that the influences, which cause the supernatural perceptions, are not dependent from the limited abilities of the own brain. The astral world can be as real, as the reality. This includes all perceptions of all senses from the body.

( Physical perceptions, which the physical body has during the sleep, influence rarely (or never) the out of body experience. But they can rouse the physical body and terminate in this way the out of body experience.

( Supernatural perceptions during an out of body experience are only partly caused by oneself. The out of body experience responds only partly to consciously and unconsciously thoughts!

( Interactions with all things and living beings (also oneself) in the astral world are supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Existence of the astral body in the out of body experience.

( There exist not only the parts of the astral body, on which one concentrates. Parts of the astral body, on which one does not concentrate, can also exist. But they must have been defined. But parts of the astral body, which exist, can also cease to exist, if one does not concentrate on them. But this happens during out of body experiences slower and more rare than during dreams.

( Parts of the astral body, which cease to exist, must be created again to be perceived again. The consequences are:

( These re-created parts of the astral body are not the same parts of the astral body, as the parts of the astral body, which they replace. Therefore they can deviate partly till completely from the original. This includes every property (also the number,...).

( One perceives not only things, on which one concentrates.

( The rare lack of the existence during the lack of concentration makes very rarely out of body experiences without a own body possible.

( One can be passive spectator of the events.

( One can not see oneself.

( One can not become someone else. One can never become someone, who one encounters.

( Modification by definition: The properties of the astral body can be modified. One needs just to define the desired properties. This definition is a supernatural influencing (according to "1.1.6"), which modifies the astral body.

( Matching of the defined properties with the properties, which exist in the real (physical) world. A defined property of the astral body does not need to exist or work in the real world. It is also not necessary, that the defined property can exist or work in the real world. The existence and functionality of a property of the astral body can be made possible solely by the definition.

( The own fantasy or imagination limits the possibilities of the definitions of the properties of the astral body according to "1.1.11".

( What can be defined: Here are the properties explained, which can be modified.

( The shape of the astral body can be defined. This includes these examples: Size, flexibility, proportions, number of arms, gender,... All "physical" properties of the astral body can be modified.

( The senses of the astral body can be defined. One can define in which kind one perceives the environment. The kinds of perception must not be as the kinds of perception in the physical (real) world.

( The abilities of the astral body can be defined. One can define, what the astral body can do. Oneself decides, whether the own astral body is able to do something or not.

( Not supernatural abilities of the astral body: One can define all physical and not supernatural abilities of the astral body. This includes the abilities to jump, fly, run, talk,... but also manual skills, sporting skills and similar.

( Supernatural abilities of the astral body: One can define all supernatural abilities of the astral body. This includes all supernatural abilities, which are mentioned in this text.

( Problems, which can be caused by the defining.

( Definitions are supernatural influences according to "1.1.6". The result of the definition can deviate from the desired result according to "".

( Problems at the beginning of an out of body experience. The properties of the astral body must be defined. Properties, which are not defined, does not exist. Without a sufficient definition of the senses and abilities the astral body is not able to do or perceive anything. When one relaxes to try to make an out of body experience, one concentrates not on the own physical body. But one does often also not concentrate on any senses or abilities. During the sleep or the application of out of body experience methods (exit phase) is only a part of the functions and memories of the brain available. The astral body gets automatically only this part of functions and memories. The lack of this definitions causes, that one begins the out of body experience without or with insufficient abilities. One can not see much and one can only hardly move. If this happens, one needs to concentrate on proper definitions to get the abilities (viewing, moving, concentration and memories....). Then one gets the full abilities.

(1.1.8) Properties of the body in the (real) dream world. Here are the properties of the body in the dream world explained, which I know. Please note also "".

( The most perceptions in the dream world are direct imaginations according to "1.1.11". Only a part of the perceptions in the dream world are supernatural perceptions according to "1.1.5". A part of the perceptions is caused by common physical perceptions, which the physical body has during the sleep.

( Imaginations during a dream are not much more realistic than imaginations while one is awake. The causes are the limited abilities of the own brain. The consequences are:

( Some kinds of perceptions are not realistic or not present. The only exception is the part of the perceptions, which is caused by common physical perceptions, which the physical body has during the sleep.

( Physical sensations, like heat, coldness, pain, movement, falling,... are not present. They are partly replaced by artificial sensations, which the physical body creates. These sensations are created by breathing techniques, emotional reactions of the body, tensing and relaxing of muscles. These artificial sensations can be sometimes intense, but they are not realistic.

( Optical perceptions (viewing) are strongly limited. One can see only a certain number of details, objects and actions simultaneously.

( Audible perceptions are mostly only own thoughts. Real audible perceptions in dreams are a bit rare and mostly not realistic. The rare by supernatural influences caused audible perceptions can sometimes be realistic.

( Smelling and tasting are rare in dreams. Sometimes one tastes during the attempt to perceive a taste the saliva in the mouth of the sleeping physical body. This is the reason, why food in dreams has a weak and not realistic taste. Smells in dreams are the smells of the real environment, where the own physical body sleeps.

( Imaginations are own thoughts . Oneself makes (the biggest part of) the own dream. One controls the own dream consciously and unconsciously. The dream responds to every consciously and unconsciously thought!

( The most interactions with all things and living beings (also oneself) in the dream world are direct imaginations according to "1.1.11". Only a part of these interactions in the dream world are supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Existence of the own body in the dream.

( There exist only the parts of the body, on which one concentrates. Parts of the body, on which one does not concentrate, does not exist. If one does not concentrate on a own body, there exist no own body.

( Parts of the body, which cease to exist, must be created again to be perceived again. The consequences are:

( These re-created parts of the body are not the same parts of the body, as the parts of the body, which they replace. Therefore they can deviate partly till completely from the original. This includes every property (also the number,...).

( One perceives mostly only the things, on which one concentrates.

( The lack of the existence during the lack of concentration makes dreams without a own body possible. The consequences are:

( One can be spectator of the own dream.

( One can see then also oneself.

( One can become someone else. One can become anyone, who one encounters.

( Modification by definition: The properties of the body can be modified. One needs just to define the desired properties. This definition is a imagination, which modifies the body.

( Matching of the defined properties with the properties, which exist in the real (physical) world. A defined property of the body does not need to exist or work in the real world. It is also not necessary, that the defined property can exist or work in the real world. The existence and functionality of a property of the body can be made possible solely by the definition.

( The own fantasy or imagination limits the possibilities of the definitions of the properties of the body according to "1.1.11".

( What can be defined: Here are the properties explained, which can be modified. The definitions are limited according to the laws of "".

( The shape of the body can be defined. This includes these examples: Size, flexibility, proportions, number of arms, gender,... All "physical" properties of the body can be modified.

( The senses of the body can be defined. One can define in which kind one perceives the environment. The kinds of perception must not be as the kinds of perception in the physical (real) world.

( The abilities of the body can be defined. One can define, what the body can do. Oneself decides, whether the own body is able to do something or not.

( Not supernatural abilities of the body: One can define all physical and not supernatural abilities of the body. This includes the abilities to jump, fly, run, talk,... but also manual skills, sporting skills and similar.

( Supernatural abilities of the body: One can define all supernatural abilities of the body. This includes all supernatural abilities, which are mentioned in this text.

( Problems, which can be caused by the defining.

( The results of definitions by imagination can also deviate from the desired result. The causes are own expectations, fears and sorrows, insufficient or inaccurate concentration and disruptions of the concentration (see "1.1.11").

(1.1.9) Properties of the astral world: Here are the properties of the astral world mentioned. One experiences many dreams, while one is out of the body. These dreams are then in the astral world according to this group.

( All perceptions in the astral world are supernatural perceptions according to "1.1.5".

( The perceptions during an out of body experience are very realistic. The can be more clear and more detailed than the perceptions of the real (physical) world. The cause is, that the influences, which cause the supernatural perceptions, are not dependent from the limited abilities of the own brain. The astral world can be as real, as the reality. This includes all perceptions of all senses from the body.

( Supernatural perceptions during an out of body experience are only partly caused by oneself. The dream responds only partly to consciously and unconsciously thoughts!

( Interactions with all things and living beings (also oneself) in the astral world are supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Existence of the astral world.

( There exist not only the parts of the environment, on which one concentrates. Parts of the environment, on which one does not concentrate, can also exist. But they must have been created by influences. But parts of the environment, which exist, can also cease to exist, if one does not concentrate on them. But this happens during out of body experiences slower and more rare than during dreams.

( Things, which cease to exist, must be created again to be perceived again. The consequences are:

( These re-created things are not the same things, as the things, which they replace. Therefore they can deviate partly till completely from the original. This includes every property (also the number,...). Example: One sees a red car. One looks somewhere else. One looks again to the car. But now it is green and much smaller. One looks again somewhere else and then to the car. But there are five dogs.

( One perceives not only the things, on which one concentrates.

( The rare lack of the existence during the lack of concentration makes very rarely out of body experiences without a environment possible.

( One can be somewhere else. One can be immediately at every place of which one thinks (this is no teleporting).

( Therefore one can be in another environment, if one closes the eyes and opens them then again.

( Modification by influencing: The properties of the astral world can be modified. One needs just to define the desired properties and to create them by influencing.

( Matching of the by influences caused properties with the properties, which exist in the real (physical) world. A by influences caused property of the astral world does not need to exist or work in the real world. It is also not necessary, that the by influences caused property can exist or work in the real world. The existence and functionality of a property of the astral world can be made possible solely by the causing by influences.

( The own fantasy or imagination limits the possibilities of the own influencings of the properties of the astral world according to "1.1.11".

( What can be influenced: Here are the properties explained, which can be modified.

( The environment can be influenced.

( The weather and other events (earth quakes, fires, blooming of flowers,....) in the environment can be influenced.

( Objects can be influenced.

( Living beings can be influenced.

( Living beings can be created by influences. These living beings are then a kind of objects. But one can mostly not distinguish them from real living beings.

( How the astral world can be influenced. The term things includes also real and unreal living beings. Real living beings can (according to "1.1.6") only partly be influenced.

( can be modified or transformed in something completely different.

( Things can be moved.

( Things can be created or removed.

( Who can influence the astral world.

( The astral world can be influenced by oneself.

( The astral world can be influenced by astral beings and other not physical living beings.

( The astral world can be influenced by other physical living beings.

( Influencings of the astral world are supernatural influences according to "1.1.6". The result of the definition can deviate from the desired result according to "".

(1.1.10) Properties of the dream world: Here are the properties of the real dream world mentioned. One experiences many dreams, while one is out of the body. These dreams are then in the astral world.

( The most perceptions in the dream world are direct imaginations according to "1.1.11". Only a part of the perceptions in the dream world are supernatural perceptions according to "1.1.5". A part of the perceptions is caused by common physical perceptions, which the physical body has during the sleep.

( Imaginations during a dream are not much more realistic than imaginations while one is awake. The causes are the limited abilities of the own brain. The consequences are:

( Some kinds of perceptions are not realistic or not present. The only exception is the part of the perceptions, which is caused by common physical perceptions, which the physical body has during the sleep.

( Physical sensations, like heat, coldness, pain, movement, falling,... are not present. They are partly replaced by artificial sensations, which the physical body creates. These sensations are created by breathing techniques, emotional reactions of the body, tensing and relaxing of muscles. These artificial sensations can be sometimes intense, but they are not realistic. Therefore one notices in the dream environment no wind, no heat, no wetness and also no other physical perceptions of the environment.

( Optical perceptions (viewing) are strongly limited. One can see only a certain number of details, objects and actions simultaneously. Therefore one notices only few details of the environment. Unimportant things, like weather and actions in the background, are rare.

( Audible perceptions are mostly only own thoughts. Real audible perceptions in dreams are a bit rare and mostly not realistic. The rare by supernatural influences caused audible perceptions can sometimes be realistic. Therefore one can only rarely hear events of the environment. Hearing of voices is a bit more frequent (supernatural influences!).

( Smelling and tasting are rare in dreams. Sometimes one tastes during the attempt to perceive a taste the saliva in the mouth of the sleeping physical body. This is the reason, why food in dreams has a weak and not realistic taste. Smells in dreams are the smells of the real environment, where the own physical body sleeps. Therefore one does rarely notice smells of the environment.

( Imaginations are own thoughts. Oneself makes (the biggest part of) the own dream. One controls the own dream consciously and unconsciously. The dream responds to every consciously and unconsciously thought! Therefore the environment changes constantly.

( The most interactions with all things and living beings (also oneself) in the dream world are direct imaginations according to "1.1.11". Only a part of these interactions in the dream world are supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Existence of the environment in the dream.

( There exist only the parts of the environment, on which one concentrates. Parts of the environment, on which one does not concentrate, does not exist. If one does not concentrate on the environment, there exist no environment.

( Things, which cease to exist, must be created again to be perceived again. The consequences are:

( These re-created things are not the same things, as the things, which they replace. Therefore they can deviate partly till completely from the original. This includes every property (also the number,...). Example: One sees a red car. One looks somewhere else. One looks again to the car. But now it is green and much smaller. One looks again somewhere else and then to the car. But there are five dogs.

( One perceives mostly only the things, on which one concentrates.

( The lack of the existence during the lack of concentration makes dreams without a environment possible.

( One can be somewhere else. One can be immediately at every place of which one thinks (this is no teleporting).

( Therefore one can be in another environment, if one closes the eyes and opens them then again.

( Modification by imagination and influencing: The properties of the dream world can be modified. One needs just to define the desired properties and to create them by imagination. Other living beings can modify the properties of the dream world by supernatural influencing.

( Matching of the by imagination or influencing caused properties with the properties, which exist in the real (physical) world. A by imagination or influencing caused property of the astral world does not need to exist or work in the real world. It is also not necessary, that the by imagination or influencing caused property can exist or work in the real world. The existence and functionality of a property of the astral world can be made possible solely by the causing by imagination or influencing.

( The own fantasy or imagination limits the possibilities of the own influencings of the properties of the dream world according to "1.1.11".

( What can be influenced: Here are the properties explained, which can be modified.

( The environment can be influenced.

( The weather and other events (earth quakes, fires, blooming of flowers,....) in the environment can be influenced.

( Objects can be influenced.

( Living beings can be influenced.

( Living beings can be created by influences. These living beings are then a kind of objects. But one can mostly not distinguish them from real living beings.

( How the dream world can be influenced. The term things includes also real and unreal living beings. Real living beings can (according to "1.1.6") only partly be influenced.

( Things can be modified or transformed in something completely different.

( Things can be moved.

( Things can be created or removed.

( Who can influence the dream world. The dream world is mostly the result of own imagination according to "1.1.11". Only a part of the dream world is the result of incoming supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Oneself can influence the dream world by imagination.

( Astral beings and other not physical living beings can influence the dream world by supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Other physical living beings can influence the dream world by supernatural influencings according to "1.1.6".

( Supernatural Influencings of the dream world are supernatural influences according to "1.1.6". The result of the definition can deviate from the desired result according to "".

( The results of influencings by imagination can also deviate from the desired result. The causes are own expectations, fears and sorrows, insufficient or inaccurate concentration and disruptions of the concentration.

(1.1.11) Properties of the thoughts, concentration and imagination: The thoughts influence directly the results of the application of every supernatural ability. Therefore it is important to understand the own thoughts. Here are the processes, structures and functions of thoughts described, which I identified. This list is maybe not scientifically correct, but it shows clearly all for this text relevant properties of the thoughts. Please note also the group "".

( Kinds of thinking and kinds of concentrations. One uses these kinds of thinking. These kinds can also be combined!

( Thinking in Words: The most thoughts are simple words. The reading of a common text is thinking in words.

( Pictorial thinking: Thoughts can also be images. Example: If I say, a square has four corners, one imagines a square. This is pictorial thinking.

( Calculating (and mathematical) thinking: This kind of thinking is used to find solutions. The results of this thinking are calculated and not only loaded from the memories.

( Simulations: Simulations are the imaginations of perceptions, actions and events. Every kind of perceptions, actions and events can be simulated.

( Active simulations (simulations of own actions): Active simulations are the imaginations of actions in first-person. It is used often for the planning of work steps.

( Passive simulations (simulation as spectator): Passive simulations are imaginations of actions and events, which one does not think in first-person. Example: One can use them for the imagination of movie scenes or for the imagination how a car can fit in a parking lot.

( Remembering and memories. Here are the properties of memories and the process of remembering described.

( Kinds of remembering: There exist several possibilities to remember a certain memory.

( Remembering random things. One remembers often random things. These random memories come into mind, when one does not need them. Often is a remembering of random things actually another kind of remembering.

( Connections of the memories. Memories can be connected with informations or other memories. Connections emerge, if a memory has something in common with another memory or a obtained information (which becomes a memory). Connections ease the remembering.

( Connections with other memories. Example: A memory of a dog is mostly connected with other memories of dogs. Many memories of one trip are connected with many other memories of the same trip or similar trips. If one thinks of a memory with connections, the brain searches and loads automatically connected memories.

( Connections with informations, which one gets (and which become memories). The brain searches automatically in every new information for similarities with already existing memories. If the brain finds similarities, it loads automatically these memories and creates connections to them.

( Instinctively automatically remembering: Some kinds of memories are instinctively. Such memories are: how one can breathe, fear of known dangers, responses to certain odors (good and bad odors). Some instinctively memories require additional informations, which must be learned during the own live (which things are dangerous) and others does not require any additional information (some bad odors, fear of death). Instinctively remembering causes often strong responses of the brain and the physical body (emotions).

( By learning caused automatically: Some kinds of automatically remembering can be learned intentionally. This includes: swimming, bicycling, reading. The frequently application during the learning lets the brain know the learned things automatically, when they are needed.

( Clarity of the memories. Not every memory will be stored forever. The brain forgets many memories. This forgetting begins often partly and continues until the whole memory is deleted.

( Complete memories: Complete memories are memories of certain things, which does not contain major gaps. Example (Compare with the other examples of this group!): The cake of the last birthday was red, had twenty candles and a good taste of strawberry.

( memories: Incomplete memories are memories of certain things, which contain some major gaps. Example (Compare with the other examples of this group!): The cake of the last birthday was red, had many candles and a good taste.

( Parts of memories: Parts of memories are memories of certain things, which contain only few informations. Example (Compare with the other examples of this group!): The cake of the last birthday was red.

( Fragments of memories: Fragments of memories are memories of certain things, which contain only extremely few informations. Example (Compare with the other examples of this group!): Red cake.

( Abilities of the concentration: Here are the properties of the abilities of the concentration described.

( Multitasking: The brain has the possibility to do several things simultaneously. It can run many unconsciously processes and a limited number of consciously processes simultaneously.

( Automation: The brain has the ability to learn to do things more or less automatically. It can not do everything automatically. The automation of an process reduces the for this process required calculating capacity. This eases the application of other processes while the automated process runs (multitasking).

( Calculating capacity: The brain has a limited calculating capacity for consciously applications. The brain tends constantly to use a certain portion of this calculating capacity. The consequences are:

( If the brain uses less than the optimal portion of the calculating capacity, it tends to start more processes of thinking. This can lead to distractions!

( If the brain uses the optimal portion of the calculating capacity, it can concentrate easily on the processes of this portion.

( If the brain uses more than the optimal portion of the calculating capacity, it tends to skip or to forget thoughts. The brain becomes stressed and tends to haste, which increases the issue.

( Disruptions and errors of the concentration: The concentration can be disrupted by several things.

( Weakening of the ability to concentrate: There exist several possibilities to weaken the ability to concentrate. Weakening of the ability to concentrate makes oneself prone to distractions.

( Monotony: Monotony leads to automation of thinking processes. The brain uses then less calculating capacity. This leads to a insufficient utilization of the calculating capacity.

( Insufficient utilization of the calculating capacity: If the brain uses less than the optimal portion of the calculating capacity, it tends to start more processes of thinking. This can lead to distractions! Continuously insufficient utilization of the calculating capacity is exhausting, because the ignoring of the other processes is not easy.

( Too long duration of the concentration: If the duration of a concentration is too long, the concentration becomes exhausting. This weakens the ability to concentrate.

( Distractions: Distractions are disturbing things and processes, which draw the attention away from the things, on which one wants to concentrate.

( Distractions, which are caused by own thoughts and memories: Many distractions are caused by the own brain.

( Connections of memories: If other memories are connected with the information or thought, on which one concentrates, these other memories can draw the attention to themselves.

( Automatically thinking (repeated thinking): If a process of thinking is repeated, the brain expects, that every process, which begins in the same way, is a identical repetition. It tries to continue the repetition, even when it has noticed a error. These attempts to continue the repetition can draw the attention to themselves.

( Insufficient utilization of the calculating capacity: If the brain uses less than the optimal portion of the calculating capacity, it tends to start more processes of thinking. These additional processes can draw the attention to themselves.

( Distraction by emotions: Emotions can force the brain to think of other things, than the things, on which one wants to concentrate.

( Distractions, which are not caused by own thoughts: These distractions are not caused by the own brain.

( Distraction by physical events: The noticing of physical events draws the attention to these noticed events. Such events can be events in the environment (odors, voices,...) or in the own physical body (itching,...).

( Distraction by not physical events (external and internal supernatural influences): The noticing of not physical events draws the attention to these noticed events. Such events can be external influences (telepathy, emotion transfer,...) or internal influences (effects of blockades, effects of applicated methods,...).

( Expectations: There exist several kinds of possible expectations. The by expectations caused thoughts are a big issue during the application of supernatural abilities.

( Calculation of future events. The brain tries automatically to predict events by calculating. Example: If something falls down, the brain calculates the possible damage. The results of such calculations are not always correct.

( Logical conclusions: If a information is incomplete, the brain tries automatically to complete it with already known informations. Example: One sees a horsetail behind a corner, the brain concludes, that a horse is behind the corner, because it has learned, that such a tail is mostly part of a horse. Such conclusions are not always correct.

( Life experiences: While one experiences a certain situation, the brain searches in the memories for similar situations. If the brain finds a similar situation in the memories, it compares the both situations. The brain thinks, that the new situation could end just as the already experienced old situation from the memory. Example: A person touched some years ago a dog, and the dog has bitten his hand. If this person touches now a dog, the brain thinks, that the dog could bite.

( Several similar situations: If one experiences a certain situation more than once, the brain assumes, that there is a higher probability, that a similar situation could end just as the already experienced old situations from the memory. Example: A postman has been often bitten by dogs. Now his brain thinks, that he will be probably bitten, if he approximates a dog.

( Situations, which oneself has not experienced. One can get informations about situations in radio, television, newspapers or from other people. Example: A man has a new job as postman. He heared often, that postmen has been often bitten by dogs. Now his brain thinks, that he will be probably bitten, if he approximates a dog.

( Wishes: If one wishes, that a certain situation has a certain end, the brain can begin to think, that the wish can probably become true (even if the probability is extremely low). Example: Someone buys a lottery ticket and expects to win the jackpot.

( Fears and sorrows: If one fears, that a certain situation has a certain end, the brain can begin to think, that the feared end can probably occur (even if the probability is extremely low). Example: A man does never fly with a plane, because he expects, that the plane will have a accident.

( Concentration and thinking under certain circumstances. Here are the influences of different states un the concentration of a normal person described.

( Concentration in the normal state, while one is awake. One can concentrate well. Imaginations of images can not be generated very easily.

( Concentration during deep relaxation. One can concentrate very well. Imaginations of images can be generated very easily.

( Concentration, while one has emotions: Emotions force the brain to think of certain things. Emotions can reduce the ability to concentrate on a certain thought, if the emotion forces the brain to think of another thought, than the thought, on which one wants to concentrate. But they can increase this ability, if the emotion forces the brain to think of the thought on which one wants to concentrate!

( Concentration, while one is tired or exhausted. The concentrating is not easy, while one is tired or exhausted. One can be distracted easily during the concentration and is also prone to all other kinds of disruptions and errors of the concentration.

( Concentration during the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drugs and alcohol can change the modify the ability to concentrate. The resulting changes can be positive or negative. But they are mostly negative. Not all functions and memories of the brain are available. This affects heavily the ability to make decisions.

( Positive: The brain fades several informations and processes out, while others are modified. This can ease some kinds of concentrations, if the missing informations and processes are not required and / or the modified processes and informations are modified in the right way.

( Negative: The brain fades several informations and processes out, while others are modified. This can make some kinds of concentrations more difficult or impossible, if some and / or all of the missing informations and processes are required and / or the modified processes and informations are not modified in the right way.

( Concentration, while the physical body sleeps. During the sleeping are many processes and memories faded out. This has consequences for dreams and out of body experiences.

( Concentration during dreams: During dreams are only some of the faded processes and informations reactivated. Only a part of the functions and memories of the brain are available. This affects heavily the ability to make decisions.

( Concentration during out of body experiences: All out of body experiences begin, while the physical body sleeps. During the sleep or the application of out of body experience methods (exit phase) is only a part of the functions and memories of the brain available. The astral body gets automatically only this part of functions and memories (see ""). But one can get during an out of body experience many of these functions and memories back. But functions and memories can also get lost according to "".